View Full Version : Blocked ear/congested head/neck

10-10-12, 13:19
Hi everyone

For the past few days I've had what feels like a blocked ear and my head above the ear and my neck under my ear all feel congested. It's only on the left side though. I haven't got a cold or anything so I don't think it's sinus related. I do keep having slight ear pain but I've had ear infections in the past and it doesn't feel like that.

Could it be down to stress? I am under a great deal of stress at the moment and keep getting lots of weird sensations in my head.

I am now worried about an ear tumor/brain tumor or something else sinister.

Has anyone else had these symptoms?

Many thanks.


10-10-12, 14:18
I frequently get a feeling of one sided ear fullness, headache, pain in my neck that has come and gone for years. What I have found is that stress causes me to tense my neck and upper back muscles and this pulls on the scalene muscles on my neck and this pulls on the muscles around my ear. Combine this with seasonal allergies and I get all kinds of weird pains that have me freaking out about tumors. Good posture while sitting and sleeping help and so do stretching exercises for scalene and trapezoid muscles. Good luck and take care.

18-08-13, 18:16
I get this and I'm worried sick I get neck/head pain head aches ear feeling blocked and ear ache sometimes the pain in my neck/head travels into my ear this has been happening to me for about 5werks now I suffer from anexity and stress myself out about everything but I'm scared this is a brain Tumor or something terrible x

19-08-13, 21:30
I've just had this, turned out to be an ear infection. I had antibiotics and dr recommended nasal spray to clear congestion!