View Full Version : Panic attack while watching Casino Royale

10-10-12, 14:15
Is this a sign of a good film?? lol I guess that level of tension/excitement would be great for someone without panic.
Has anyone else had this when watching thrillers? I really enjoy the genre but thinking maybe I should stop watching them if I'm going to get so wired up I go into panic mode!

10-10-12, 15:14
Absolutely! There are definitely things that I can and "can't" watch if I'm feeling anxious, lol. I've never seen a James Bond film in my life, but for me "Harry Potter" is good, and "The Others" is bad :)

10-10-12, 16:19
Yea lol. When my anxiety was really high once my sister started watching one of the Saw films, I had my back to it but the sounds eventually made my anxiety spike and I had a panic attack!

When I'm not feeling so anxious I can watch anything though so don't worry you'll be able to enjoy thrillers again :) x

10-10-12, 17:50
All the time. Last film I panicked in was the boy in striped pyjamas. The gas chamber part...horrifying.

10-10-12, 21:13
oh wow I saw this film advertised and wanted to watch it but it's obviously a very upsetting theme and I get 'unsettled' easily so in the end I gave it a miss-glad I did now!