View Full Version : Emetophobic, got a cold and had d* please help

10-10-12, 14:40
I am absolutely petrified, colds terrify me in case they make me ill which i PRAY they won't. I am so scared, throat feels horrid, scratchy, I am feeling bit sick and I just had diarrhea.. pray thats the near 4 cups of white tea i drank in past 2 hours, I am beyond scared to be honest. I pray this cold wont make me sick i am so scared id rather die i am in a LOT of distress and dunno what to do..someone please help me , please reply i am so so scared and PRAY i am going to be ok..pray i will be ok and nothing bad'll happen, i pray please please reply i dunno what to do i hate life :'(

10-10-12, 15:19
Hi DreamsInSpace,
I know how scared you must be feeling, I suffer from emetophobia too. Colds are horrible to go through and they make you feel really lousy and at times ill in the stomach. 99% of the time though they're not serious and you'll feel a lot better within a week or so. I'm sure you'll be fine, the diarrhea could've been caused by a few things, possibly the tea, your anxiety from having this cold, or even the cold itself could've upset your stomach a bit. PM me if you need to chat, you'll be okay i'm sure.

10-10-12, 15:33
Thank you for your reply. I really do hope I will be okay and nothing bad will happen. It seems so so stupid to be so fearful of a cold, everyone else shrugs a cold off and gets on with their days.. they'll go to work, go to school etc. but me.. I become paralysed with fear.. and just sit in my bed all day absolutely terrified! I do hope I will be okay, I really do.. thank you x

10-10-12, 15:37
No worries, and I know, even a simple headache or random pain worries me. I've seen people feel really ill and they don't worry about it too much, like you said they just get on with things. I don't understand how it can be that easy for them.

10-10-12, 15:42
I am the same, slightest pain in the head, aches, pains etc. I am instantly afraid and become very scared, I really do hope I will be okay and yes me neither! It seems like the most scary thing in the world to me :/ really do hope I will be okay.

10-10-12, 15:45
I'm sure it'll pass, i've had colds before that have been me feel like death but in a few days I feel a lot better. I hope you feel better really soon. Like I said, if you get too panicky and just need to chat don't hesitate to send me a message, i'm happy to listen. :)

10-10-12, 15:47
Thank you for your offer I really do hope I will be okay, means a lot thank you :)

10-10-12, 16:02
Anytime. :)