View Full Version : In need of some closure

10-10-12, 16:17
Hello, i am 19 years old and started having panic attacks January of this year. I have no clue at all what brought it on the very first time I had an attack. All i can say was I was on the bus quite late at night, I was in a rush to get home to my mum as she needed me back. I was on the phone and all of a sudden I couldnt talk and I felt like I was going to throw up, I ignored it and held my stomach and continued with the bus ride. But literally 10 seconds later my heart went crazy and I felt as if i was going to vomit out 600 pounds of food because of how intense the pain was, My body told me to get off that bus immediately and I proceeded to do so, as soon as I got off the bus all the nausea seemed to disappear and my heart race went back to normal and i was given a lift home and slept the night off. The next day I realised that I couldnt even leave my door without my hear and stomach giving meintense pain from howhard it was beating and how hard it was churning, ever since that day I have been the same and can never relax as im always feeling like that and im too scared to leave my house if i know im going a far distance. I just need some closure and want to know if any of you feel like this and what have you done about it? Thank you

10-10-12, 16:33
I'm sure all of us have felt like this at one point or another, it sounds like you had a very big panic attack. It does get better and easier though. I'd just turned 20 when I had my first major panic attack and it's hard because you really don't understand what's happening to you. I suggest you see your doctor for help if you haven't already, they can offer you CBT therapy and medication if that's a route you want to take.

Have a read through the success stories on here so you can see there really is hope and although it feels like it right now, you won't be this way forever. There's self help books you can buy too that can be a great help.

Try not to avoid situations because of your anxiety and try to carry on as normal as you can right now. I hardly left my house for the best part of 3 years because of the avoidance and safety behaviors. When you face up to your anxiety, accept it and learn how to relax yourself in panicky situations it all becomes a lot easier. It's a hard thing to do at first because all you want to do is run and hide but it's worth it in the long run!

I hope you feel better soon x

10-10-12, 17:03
Thank you Pokerace, Yes i went to the doctor a few months back but they made a fool out of me and started to patronize me so I have felt no confidence in going back there. I am registering at a new doctor and hopefully I receive medication and advice that is suited to the symptoms that i describe

10-10-12, 17:34
You had a stressful situation where you were rushing to get home and so your body maybe tired just reacted by sending a rush of adrenaline causing you to feel those awful symptoms. Your body is working perfectly well even though the sensations are not at all pleasant they're not harmful.
I'm sorry you got a rubbish Dr some are rubbish when it comes to panic. Everyone here knows how horrible panic attacks are and how very real the symptoms are.
Not really sure what you mean by wanting closure though?
Unfortuatley getting over panic attacks can be a long and hard process :( but it certainly can be done as Pokerface said.