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View Full Version : Panic attack? shooting pains and racing heart

10-10-12, 22:02
Hi everyone

I've had panic attacks before but I've just experienced something which my other half thought was a panic attack but 'm not so sure. either way - it sent me into panic mode. :weep:

I have been perfectly relaxed this evening and it's actually been a month since my last panic attack. I still have my health anxiety but I have been seeing a counsellor for that.

I was lying down on the sofa (about an hour after eating) watching TV when I got a sudden rush through my body - it wasn't a pain but that butterfly feeling you get but throughout my whole body. My throat felt as if something was stuck in it and my stomach didn't feel right. I then got a shooting pain in my left arm which caused me to sit up and I checked my pulse and it was racing. I started crying. this has settled down now but I sitll have the funny feeling in my throat as if there's something stuck down there. I also have pain in the left side of my back.

I constantly get this fluttery feeling in my throat - every few days. Doctors keep telling me the flutter is anxiety but then why do I get it when I'm at my most relaxed?

this 'attack' came completely out of the blue when I was totally relaxed. I don't understand :( Please help - has anyone else experienced an attack like this or anything similar?

Lou xx

10-10-12, 22:08
I get that feeling quite often when I am relaxed. Even when you are feeling quite relaxed you can suddenly get an anxiety attack. Most mornings I am like that as soon as I wake up :hugs::hugs:

10-10-12, 22:27
Sounds like random panic.
Digesting food can trigger palpitations, then that can trigger anxiety.
Sometimes it really just sneaks up on you : (

11-10-12, 03:36
I'm with anxious_gal on this, I actually started to make lighter dinners to avoid raising my blood pressure... hey it's healthier anyway and it helps to keep the anxiety away ;)

Oh I also get that strange "general" tingle where it seems that your whole body goes numb, on my case is when I go to sleep... Used to shit the crap out of me and trigger the "oh crap!! this it" mode...

After a while I figured that it was just my body setting it self to go to sleep...