View Full Version : Life is tough, but...

11-10-12, 03:26
Well, i have been having tests recently. I have had a pain under my right rib near the sternum, often drifting further right. I went to the doctors who ran some tests. I had a fasting blood test which came back with high triglycerides, and high colesterol (the receptionist told me that the doctor wanted to go over my test but it wasn't urgent). My anaemia, thyroid and kidneys were all OK. However, she said my liver wasn't too happy.
Now, when i heard that, i went a little cold and asked her outright if cancer was on her mind. You see, i have a friend who is dying of liver cancer, caused by melanoma. She will probably leave us in the next few days.
So, before i continue, i must stress that the doctor told me emphatically that it is the last thing on her mind - she is more concerned with my eating habits, weight and possibly my gallbladder. Considering i've had this pain since around 2009 i am inclined to believe her.
My friend was diagnosed in mid 2011 with melanoma. They removed the mole, removed some lymph nodes and told her the biopsy looked good. In April 2012 she was told that this had returned but had deposited the tumours into her liver. She was told that it was terminal. She was put on a revolutionary new wonder drug but this stopped working just over a month ago. Her decline has been rapid - frighteningly rapid.

As for me, i have to wait for an ultrasound to check whats going on. But... one thing i CAN say is that i'm sure it is not cancer. How do i know this without the results? I've seen what it can do in just under a year and a half. I've seen how rapidly someone can go from walking to bed-ridden (last Saturday she went out for the day, today she is in the hospice - 4 days).

What i am trying to say is that if our ailments were indeed such terrible things as cancer or brain tumours, we wouldn't be worried about them for 3/5/10 years. We would know. My friend said to me... "You just know something's wrong; something's different".

The positive to all this? Today i had my wakeup call! I need to change my eating habits. I need to change my exercise routine (or start one, even). I need to get healthy. I need to embrace life. My friend is 36 and doesn't have that choice - i do.

Please don't let this story frighten you - i hope it insipres you to have a little belief in yourself (and maybe, even, the Doctors!).

Good luck all!