View Full Version : Had a kidney stone last night :(

11-10-12, 11:52
Well, as I have posted all week, I have felt really ill. Still have a very strange sensation in my chest that I'm terrified is something serious, and to top it all off, I had a kidney stone to deal with last night.

I don't think I have ever felt that much pain. It started about 10pm, an intense ache/pain in my left kidney, it lasted for about 20mins then went away. I was so relieved.

Then about half an hour later, when I was about to get into bed, it came back twice as bad! I was completely doubled over in pain, couldn't sit still or find any position that relieved the pain at all.

I was close to calling an ambulance but instead called NHS Direct, who put me through to my local out of hours doctor. He said it sounds like a kidney stone and can I get down to him at my local hospital. So as my girlfriend cannot drive I called my mum who lives round the corner to take me in. I was in soooo much pain the entire journey.

Doc gave me a painkiller injection in my bum, which very quickly made me feel quite sick. I passed some urine and he said there is traces of blood so it's definitely a stone. Then after about 20mins the pain started to subside, I came home, went to bed, haven't slept at all well but at abuot 6.20 this morning I passed the stone.

Thank God for that.

I'm actually quite pleased with myself that I didn't let anxiety and panic get the better of me during this, and was able to just accept treatment and focus on dealing with the situation.

I was starting to feel better last night (chest pains etc), but this morning I feel very nervous, edgy, I still have this weird feeling in the right hand side of my chest which i'm still worrying is lung cancer or something.

I just need a break from it all now :(