View Full Version : Anxiety or something else?

11-10-12, 15:50
I have suffered with an anxiety for 10 years now and know its affects everything and causes all sorts of symptoms!
Lately I havent been feeling 'right' I have alot of moments of feeling sick, dizzy and coughing so much I'm gagging, my hearts racing and skipping, this is mostly every morning. I feel awful. Why do I feel so bad when I wake up? I start to feel better as the day goes on, I also take 30mg of propranolol which helps.
I keep getting these moments of adrenaline rushes that are intense and kinda full on. They come out of nowhere, I can be relaxed and watching telly or walking somewhere and this huge wave of panic I could say comes over me, though I dont feel panicked, my heart races like mad and I get all hot then its gone as quick as it came. Have no idea what this is. Any advice?

11-10-12, 17:09
To me sounds like anxiety I get many things like this plus more and u don't have to be feeling anxious to have symptoms come on

11-10-12, 17:58
I have suffered with an anxiety for 10 years now and know its affects everything and causes all sorts of symptoms!
Lately I havent been feeling 'right' I have alot of moments of feeling sick, dizzy and coughing so much I'm gagging, my hearts racing and skipping, this is mostly every morning. I feel awful. Why do I feel so bad when I wake up? I start to feel better as the day goes on, I also take 30mg of propranolol which helps.
I keep getting these moments of adrenaline rushes that are intense and kinda full on. They come out of nowhere, I can be relaxed and watching telly or walking somewhere and this huge wave of panic I could say comes over me, though I dont feel panicked, my heart races like mad and I get all hot then its gone as quick as it came. Have no idea what this is. Any advice?

To me, this sounds like an overexcited nervous system. This can happen from the fight or flight syndrome. After an extended amount of time in anxiety this will randomly come on. Have you read Claire Weeks - Self Help With Your Nerves? It's a wonderful book that helps you understand what is happening to you.

I'd speak to your GP, just to be sure. They'll want to put you on SSRIs or something, but look into natural supplementation first. I bang on about it, but Magnesium will help with racing heart/skipping and the anxiety. Anxiety is the likely culprit for all your symptoms.

11-10-12, 18:09
Anxiety can create some unbelievable symptoms. It is hard to understand the brain and body connect like this but all spot on anxiety symptoms!! Try to distract!!! They will go!!

11-10-12, 18:18
Thanks for the replies. Its the anxiety that makes me feel like I have other things wrong with me! I was put onto citalopram but I had very bad side effects with that so came off it.
These symptoms are all new, I thought I was improving aswell as I dont feel so anxious and panicky, I just feel odd :( Hope it soon passes!

14-10-12, 06:35
Hi everyone, my name is Angelica, I am only new here. I too suffer from anxiety, I have suffered on and off for almost 20yrs and learn to control it, but it keeps creeping back when certain things happen in my life.. and few months back I was suffering the same thing with heart palps,ecotopic beats feeling hot, heart racing, feeling shakey and dizzy. Got checked out all ok..., change of diet, cut out caffiene,sugar, seemed to help I researched and found that EFT therapy also really helps as well as meditation and some yoga.. Look up EFT on youtube for anxiety.. Also taking ACV, magnesium, vitamins for the heart called heart care.. At the moment my anxiety is back my brother was diagnosed with cancer hopefully he will get through it, my dad hasent been well also.. then my friends mum has it as well so I am not doing so well.. so I know how you all feel with the health anxiety... Just have to get through it and help each other..

14-10-12, 06:57
I sm sorry to hear that Angelica, dealing with cancer in the family, is one of the worst things you can go through, its a life sentence of suffering, i journaled alot which helped, and i prayed. It reakyy encouraging to see you are nandling your anxiety in a natural way. I wish i couod get off all the medicines im on, life dies not feel worth living thru this filter of panic

14-10-12, 08:04
Thankyou for your reply and support, yes it does get hard and noone understands, as I said try the EFT that really helped its a tapping therapy on pressure points, and saying affirmations, I have always handled it in a natural way went to a natropath and she gave me herbs but it took awhile. My doc wanted to give me meds but I did not want them... Dont worry you will be ok, life is worth living it may feel like that at times but it is....

14-10-12, 11:47
Oh yeah, I get it all the time. I was so worried about it. At times, I thought I was going to pass out.

I went to an excellent massage therapist and she said my neck is full of rock hard spasms. Afterward, no dizziness for a while. A couple of weeks later it was back. So I went to the therapist and again it went away. I was so worried and it turns out the neck tension can cause all kinds of symptoms.