View Full Version : 4 days until my neurologist appointment - close to losing it - really bad day :( :(

11-10-12, 16:42
I just need to talk to someone about how I'm feeling.

It's the 2 year anniversary of my mum's death today.

And I got told the Neurologist appointment I've been waiting for is on Monday at 6:30pm.

The said the Neurologist looked at what the DR wrote and said she'd like to see me ASAP.

I have pretty much convinced myself that I have MS. And I'm loosing the plot.

I can't do anything without chronically worrying, even when I feel relaxed I still have these symptoms:

Pins and needles in my left leg, left cheek and sometimes left arm.

They feel weaker too and I'm getting pain in them.

But I don't know if this is just because I am tensing them.

Because when I get my boyfriend to do the strength test he says they feel the same.

The optician said everything looks ok with my eye that I was worried about.

I am so terrified that if I get told I have MS on Monday I will just give up completely.

I just need some reassurance until then.

Has anyone else had these symptoms?

When you had these symptoms that were the same as mine what did you feel?

How long did they last?

How did you get rid of them?

I'm so, so terrifed.

On the way back from college I got a searing headache and my vision started to go completely grainy and now I'm shaking.

I keep having panic attacks about this.

I just can't cope :(

11-10-12, 16:49
I've had all these and more and they lasted a long time. Sounds like anxiety to me but getting checked with the all clear will hopefully help you relax and understand anxiety a little better x

11-10-12, 17:00
I know it seems like a scary thing MS but in all honesty even if you have it it's not all that bad, my friend has it and has had it for years and he leads a very normal life :) plus iv'e had alot of problems myself like yourself especially the pins and needles

11-10-12, 17:05
Thanks guys - did you get them down one side?

Can you tell me more about what you experienced and how you managed to make them go away?

Was it more in your left cheek?

11-10-12, 17:14
I used to get it in my hands, not in the face as such but seems very similar. I have had burning sensations in my cheeks, mainly on the left side but also at the back of my legs.

11-10-12, 17:42
Just not sure how to get through the next days.

And what if - I can't stop thinking WHAT IF :( :(

11-10-12, 17:51
Hey Alice i also fear i have ms and im seeing a neurologist on the 19th november. My symptoms are strange head sensations dizzyness tingling in face and arms and legs and odd vision problems. Mine seem to come and go in like episodes i also worry more as my mum already has ms.
Sometimes i feel ok and think ive just been silly and its anxiety then it comes back and my whole frame of mind totally changes and im convinced again.

but in all honestly my symptoms had gone up until the last few days..my husband is going out tomorrow night and i hate being on my own and ive been panickin abit and hey guess what my symptoms are back so im sure its prob anxiety...pls try not to worry hun...but let me know how you get on xx

11-10-12, 18:14
I'm sorry you get these symptoms too :(

Mine started after my migraine that had similar symptoms, so I'm thinking the migraine triggered it. But still really worried :(

I'll let you know.

And fingers crossed you'll be just fine too.

Mine come and go in episodes too.

I haven't googled MS, so I don't know if this is typical... don't want to know if it is.

Take care <3

---------- Post added at 18:14 ---------- Previous post was at 17:54 ----------

I'm close to just giving up :(

No one understands in my life.

It's too hard.

fozzy is crying
11-10-12, 18:21
I'm sorry you get these symptoms too :(

Mine started after my migraine that had similar symptoms, so I'm thinking the migraine triggered it. But still really worried :(

I'll let you know.

And fingers crossed you'll be just fine too.

Mine come and go in episodes too.

I haven't googled MS, so I don't know if this is typical... don't want to know if it is.

Take care <3

---------- Post added at 18:14 ---------- Previous post was at 17:54 ----------

I'm close to just giving up :(

No one understands in my life.

It's too hard.


I have been following your thread and I have been thinking of migraine. I saw a Neurosurgeon 48 years ago who at the time was one of the top experts on migraine in the World [Mr Hughes at Walton Hospital in Liverpool]. Of course in those days the only diagnostic equipment available was to have an EEG. This guy was a Saint and he did lots for me to try and keep my chronic migraine under control. Like you I have the same symptoms from time to time with and without the headaches.

Have you got a history and/or a family history of migraine?


11-10-12, 18:24
Hi, thanks for replying,

this all started when I got a really mad migraine with the full aura of tingling in my left cheek and left hand. It hasn't really gone away since.

It's worse when I'm anxious I find, but mainly it's always there.

I don't have headaches all the time though and would it be this constant if it was a migraine? My left foot also has pins and needles and feels weird.

Mainly my left cheek.

fozzy is crying
11-10-12, 18:29
Hi, thanks for replying,

this all started when I got a really mad migraine with the full aura of tingling in my left cheek and left hand. It hasn't really gone away since.

It's worse when I'm anxious I find, but mainly it's always there.

I don't have headaches all the time though and would it be this constant if it was a migraine? My left foot also has pins and needles and feels weird.

Mainly my left cheek.

It can be. The headaches can create electrical disturbances in the brain and this in turn can give reflected problems elsewhere or long periods.

What medication are you on, in particular what do you take for the migraines? By the way depending on your age and any history of heart disease in you or your family means the most used migraine medications cannot be taken.


11-10-12, 18:31
That makes so much sense, because it started when my migraine happened. I was totally without symptoms before the migraine.

Do you know any valid information I can read online about this?

I'm 24 and have no heart disease history.

I'm not on anything because I only had the one migraine and 2 when I was a kid. And wasn't sure what all this is.

But that seems less worrying than MS :(

fozzy is crying
11-10-12, 18:44
That makes so much sense, because it started when my migraine happened. I was totally without symptoms before the migraine.

Do you know any valid information I can read online about this?

I'm 24 and have no heart disease history.

I'm not on anything because I only had the one migraine and 2 when I was a kid. And wasn't sure what all this is.

But that seems less worrying than MS :(

Yes it is a lot less worrying and I am sure it is very unlikely form what you have said it is MS more to be the Migraine. Stuff on-line information as there is a lot of rubbish on there. Even on the migraine trust site. Twenty years ago I was a member of the migraine trust and they ridiculed me when I said I sometimes had blackouts just before the onset of a migraine. Doctors also told me I was talking out of my backside. However now the Trust and the informed Doctors will tell you this is not a joke and does happen in cases like mine.

With most threads I would advice anyone to see their Doctor and not take advice off here as we are all different. However I have had chronic migraine since birth [almost 64 years now] and know all there is to know about it as I have had to. Last year after 22 years with no migraine medication because of my having heart disease and a family history of it as well I found the new wonder drug for those over 40 in this position. It took a lot of persuading to get it because it costs the NHS around £100 a month for my dosage but a good GP and a Consultant made it happen

So are you now getting regular migraines or is this just another odd one you have had?


11-10-12, 21:26
Well I've had the migraine recently that seemed to trigger all this. And since then I've had all the symptoms I described on and off. But no actual severe migraine since then that I know of. Unless its just all migraines. So confused :(

Been getting pain as well. :(

fozzy is crying
11-10-12, 21:31
Well I've had the migraine recently that seemed to trigger all this. And since then I've had all the symptoms I described on and off. But no actual severe migraine since then that I know of. Unless its just all migraines. So confused :(

Been getting pain as well. :(

I know it will not be easy but just try and put it out of your mind. I am sure after Monday you will be wondering why you got in such a tizz about it. PM or Email me any time if you need any support and I will do all I can to help you.


Gordon [aka Fozzy The one and only Bear who types on here :whistles:]

11-10-12, 21:37
Thank you :) can migraines do what I described?

fozzy is crying
11-10-12, 21:40
Thank you :) can migraines do what I described?

Yes they can and a hell of a lot more.


11-10-12, 21:44
hi Alice,

In January i was watching tv and suddenly my whole left side, face, arm, leg, went numb and tingly, i felt confused and odd, phoned hospital, long story short, had mri done within a few days and i spent about 4 weeks with the tingling never stopping, i had vascular scans, blood work, and mri, they decided it was Complicated migrane. I hope this gives you some re assurance that migrane can cause some really scary symptoms, when i first went into hospital they were saying things like, mini stroke, bells palsy, tia, i was terrified. try not to worry hun xx

11-10-12, 21:48
Thanks so much!! This sounds EXACTLY like what happened to me. I was just sitting around chatting and my face and arm went tingly and numb. I went to a&e with suspected stroke but got sent home reassured it was migraine.

After four weeks did yours go away?

And did you find it was worse the more you focused on it?

fozzy is crying
11-10-12, 21:51
hi Alice,

In January i was watching tv and suddenly my whole left side, face, arm, leg, went numb and tingly, i felt confused and odd, phoned hospital, long story short, had mri done within a few days and i spent about 4 weeks with the tingling never stopping, i had vascular scans, blood work, and mri, they decided it was Complicated migrane. I hope this gives you some re assurance that migrane can cause some really scary symptoms, when i first went into hospital they were saying things like, mini stroke, bells palsy, tia, i was terrified. try not to worry hun xx

Good post Laura,

At last count I have had five T.I.As and two heart attacks. As I hate hospitals and get travel sick being carted off to A&E each time gave me one hell of a cluster migraine as well as redecorating the inside of the ambulances on the 15 miles trip to my nearest A&E. :blush:


11-10-12, 21:52
Everything seems worse the more you focus on it :weep:

11-10-12, 21:59
Before i knew what it was i was so worried and it was all i could focus on, it was horrible and i was so scared, but once i had the mri and all the other tests and spoke to the consultant who re assured me i started to calm down, i had to have diazepam to calm me down at the beginning of it, yes if i focused on it it defo seemed worse. But eventually it went away, took about 4 weeks but it did go. I had gone on the pill a few weeks before this happened and they think it may have been linked, so i was taken straight off it and told i would never be allowed to go on it again. I now have an implant. x

---------- Post added at 21:55 ---------- Previous post was at 21:53 ----------

you can have the migrane without any headache, its called silent migrane, this was what i found the hardest to accept, that a migrane could actually do this to a person, but, i am still here to tell the tale so i guess it must be true lol. x

---------- Post added at 21:59 ---------- Previous post was at 21:55 ----------

after this happened i had cbt and it worked great, till june, i got an inner ear thing going on, labrythitis, and got really dizzy, i am still dizzy alot of the time and have been referred to ent, i think i have made myself dizzy for so long because i am focusing on it, or it could be this complicated migrane carry on again, who knows, the mind is a funny old thing isnt it :) x

11-10-12, 22:01
Thanks for your story, it really helps because I definitely noticed the symptoms happening after my migraine initially.

I think mine have been around about 4 weeks too.

The tingling in my face always gets severe during panic attacks for me and better when I'm relaxed and distracted.

Are you on any meds for migraines?

Or did your symptoms go away completely after your reassurance?

---------- Post added at 22:01 ---------- Previous post was at 22:00 ----------

Not sure what tia is... Not sure I want to know its to worry about heh.

11-10-12, 22:14
I was given propranolol 10mg twice a day, tbh i think just being re assured was what eventually made me calm down and it went. I still get tingling down left side occasionally if i am stressed, my anxiety peaked about a month ago and have now been put on sertraline which i have found to be a great help with the anxiety, early days, but getting there. I sometimes get an achy face too, always left side, like its actually sore and tingly. x

---------- Post added at 22:14 ---------- Previous post was at 22:06 ----------

Michael i was actually typing a version of what you just said but you put it far better than i lol. This is all very very true! Well said! x

fozzy is crying
11-10-12, 22:17
Thanks for your story, it really helps because I definitely noticed the symptoms happening after my migraine initially.

I think mine have been around about 4 weeks too.

The tingling in my face always gets severe during panic attacks for me and better when I'm relaxed and distracted.

Are you on any meds for migraines?

Or did your symptoms go away completely after your reassurance?

---------- Post added at 22:01 ---------- Previous post was at 22:00 ----------

Not sure what tia is... Not sure I want to know its to worry about heh.

I am luckily on meds again after a no no gape with standard meds for over 20 years. They do not stop them but they due reduce the frequency at time. By the way the worst I ever had lasted seven weeks at full crisis and that was only three years ago. Prior to that the worst was aged 16 that lasted 4 weeks and I lost half my body weight had a complete breakdown as a result and lost six months of my life with no memory what so ever of that time only what my family told me.

There are preventative that can be taken and work for most who only suffer now and again. If it is chronic like mine 3 or 4 clusters often overlapping a week the preventives are useless.

Silent or Visual migraines were not really recognised as being migraines until the mid 60s. I had one around then at school. I saw only rows of aligned big white spots every time I looked at the blackboard on e day. The school sent me to A&E which was only two roads away and I was absolutely shocked to be told by a consultant there it was migraine.

Lights can cause problems as well especially florescent ones. If that is te case Ziess Umbramatic glasses help loads. You can now get them as prescription glasses as well. My life of migraines has lead to my eyes being very sensitive to even the least glare and I wear dark glasses even on the dullest days. I get lots of funny looks but sod them they do not get the headaches and I do not give a Damn what they think as long as the glasses help me. Mind you when do you see a Bear wearing dark glassing in the UK. :winks:


11-10-12, 22:19
i am super sensitive to lights too, and glare, i spend alot of the time wearing sunglasses and feeling like a muppet too lol lol x

fozzy is crying
11-10-12, 22:27
i am super sensitive to lights too, and glare, i spend alot of the time wearing sunglasses and feeling like a muppet too lol lol x

Your real name is not Miss Piggy is it? :roflmao:

Laura. Have you tried pregabalin? It was made for anxiety but a few years ago they found that it was the new wonder drug for chronic migraine in cases where the normal blood clotting drugs used can not be used.

A lot of Doctors will not prescribe it because of the cost. My dosage costs the NHS £100 a month.

If you have migraines induced by cheese swap to cheese made from goats or better still shoats milk. Two glasses of red wine a day is also good for migraine and other problems such as high blood pressure.

That reminds me I learnt a while ago that sex actually lowers blood pressure as well. I asked my Doctor if I could get it on the NHS as I have not had anyone for so long to help me lower my high blood pressure that way. :weep::weep::weep:


11-10-12, 22:32
LOL @ miss piggy!!! No not been given anything to prevent migrane, i was told that if it happened again that i should go back to my gp. I guess i was just so relieved it wasnt a stroke that i kind of forgot about it. If i find out from ent that they think my dizziness is due to complicated migrane again then i think i will be speaking to my doctor about this drug you mention. x

fozzy is crying
11-10-12, 22:36
LOL @ miss piggy!!! No not been given anything to prevent migrane, i was told that if it happened again that i should go back to my gp. I guess i was just so relieved it wasnt a stroke that i kind of forgot about it. If i find out from ent that they think my dizziness is due to complicated migrane again then i think i will be speaking to my doctor about this drug you mention. x

You did not deny being Miss Piggy I see. :roflmao:

Get yourself a feverfew plant and chew a few leaves each day. That way you cannot tell Kermit to sod off you have a headache. Plus if you do you are loosing out on lowering your blood pressure :yesyes:


11-10-12, 22:38
Ha ha ha ha i must admit, complicated migrane is a great excuse!

fozzy is crying
11-10-12, 22:38
By the way do you know how the UK recommended maximum weekly units were calculated?

11-10-12, 22:39
No but i can tell you are dying to share :)

11-10-12, 22:41
Heh, thanks guys :) honestly your posts have made me feel so much more relaxed :) people have actually accused me of making up the tingly numb feelings!

I looked up some stuff on complicated migraines and they even described a slight drooping of the left eyelid during the aura symptoms and I get this!!

So it's completely possible for the tingling to last a while!?

It also explains why the symptoms stay around more when I'm more anxious.

Honestly thanks guys, reading your stories helps. Please keep them coming :)

Laura I can't believe how similar my experience is!

---------- Post added at 22:41 ---------- Previous post was at 22:40 ----------

And my eyes are WAY sensitive to the light!

fozzy is crying
11-10-12, 22:42
No but i can tell you are dying to share :)

Well the alcohol units were not calculated. The scientist that was asked by our Government to do this has publicly admitted he just picked a number at random. FACT.

Then had the cheek to accept a very big fee for his research.

11-10-12, 22:44
Alice i am so glad to have helped you a little bit tonight, i know how scared you are, its horrible and you feel so alone with it, i wish i knew about this place when it was happening to me. i had the numb thing on the saturday and was in mri machine first thing on the monday morning, i immediatley though omg its bad if they are getting me in mri so quick, be glad that you are seeing neuro on monday hun, it means less time for your mind to make you even worse, i am sure all will be fine. please let us know how you get on x

fozzy is crying
11-10-12, 22:45
Heh, thanks guys :) honestly your posts have made me feel so much more relaxed :) people have actually accused me of making up the tingly numb feelings!

I looked up some stuff on complicated migraines and they even described a slight drooping of the left eyelid during the aura symptoms and I get this!!

So it's completely possible for the tingling to last a while!?

It also explains why the symptoms stay around more when I'm more anxious.

Honestly thanks guys, reading your stories helps. Please keep them coming :)

Laura I can't believe how similar my experience is!

---------- Post added at 22:41 ---------- Previous post was at 22:40 ----------

And my eyes are WAY sensitive to the light!

OK what is the difference legally the UK between a Vet and a Doctor?


---------- Post added at 22:45 ---------- Previous post was at 22:44 ----------

Alice i am so glad to have helped you a little bit tonight, i know how scared you are, its horrible and you feel so alone with it, i wish i knew about this place when it was happening to me. i had the numb thing on the saturday and was in mri machine first thing on the monday morning, i immediatley though omg its bad if they are getting me in mri so quick, be glad that you are seeing neuro on monday hun, it means less time for your mind to make you even worse, i am sure all will be fine. please let us know how you get on x

That was the drink Laura :yesyes:

It does tend to make you numb :roflmao:

11-10-12, 22:48
The 3 glasses of wine binge drinkers will be overjoyed to hear this shocking truth lol x

---------- Post added at 22:47 ---------- Previous post was at 22:46 ----------

legally a doctor can treat an animal but a vet cannot treat a doctor, a bit unfair i would say!

---------- Post added at 22:48 ---------- Previous post was at 22:47 ----------

i mean a vet cannot treat a person LMAO LMAO LMAO

fozzy is crying
11-10-12, 22:48
The 3 glasses of wine binge drinkers will be overjoyed to hear this shocking truth lol x

Bears do not have an opposable "thumb," so they can't grasp an object with a single paw, as humans can grasp objects between the thumb and fingers. So we have to use both paws to hold one glass and keep refilling the one not like you are cable to do and hold and keep refilling three. :blush::blush::blush::blush:

11-10-12, 22:50

fozzy is crying
11-10-12, 22:53
The 3 glasses of wine binge drinkers will be overjoyed to hear this shocking truth lol x

---------- Post added at 22:47 ---------- Previous post was at 22:46 ----------

legally a doctor can treat an animal but a vet cannot treat a doctor, a bit unfair i would say!

---------- Post added at 22:48 ---------- Previous post was at 22:47 ----------

i mean a vet cannot treat a person LMAO LMAO LMAO


A Doctor cannot treat an animal without the direct supervision of a Vet even to save the animals life. BUT a Vet unsupervised can treat a human. There has been many attempts the last one only two years ago by Doctors to get the law changed but they fail each time. A Vet is more highly qualified on all sorts of living creatures including Humans.

Also think about this the first thing a Doctor says to you is what is wrong. But a Vet just gets on with it as his patient does not normally talk.

11-10-12, 22:54
No wonder you suffer migranes Gordon LOL, you have too much schmush in your head LOL. x

fozzy is crying
11-10-12, 22:56
Except Muppets that is but you would know that.:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

---------- Post added at 22:56 ---------- Previous post was at 22:54 ----------

No wonder you suffer migranes Gordon LOL, you have too much schmush in your head LOL. x

I have a mind full of true by useless to most peeps information. No one believes Bears these days.

11-10-12, 22:56

fozzy is crying
11-10-12, 22:58

Doky okay to all readers. Are you cack handed? Do you know what it means and where the saying comes from?

11-10-12, 23:00
left handed and clumsy?

11-10-12, 23:05
Did you get visual snow too? Like grainy vision?

fozzy is crying
11-10-12, 23:08
left handed and clumsy?

Well it is a derogative term for peeps like this Bear who are left handed. If you google it or ask anyone they will tell you it is about Arabs not having toilet paper in the dessert for example using their left hand to wipe tier bum then rubbing the hand in the sand. So they say if you see an Arab on a market use his left hand to pick up some food and put it back you do not touch that piece or anything near it. BTW the way it derives for what they tell you is the Arab word Kakka meaning the number two stuff but it is not an Arabic word it is Maltese in origin.

However there is a very big logical error in that. Which I will explain when you tell me two things.

1. are you left or right handed?

2. which hand do you hold your toilet paper in?

I have carried out this as a survey for years and I know the normal results.

---------- Post added at 23:08 ---------- Previous post was at 23:08 ----------

Did you get visual snow too? Like grainy vision?

Yup. Next. :roflmao:

12-10-12, 08:26
Yes Alice I had lots of visual disturbances, but now realise anxiety and migrane will cause this xx

13-10-12, 14:02
It still keeps coming out of nowhere :(

I'm so terrified and anxious about Monday, I can't stop imagining if it's bad news. What will I do? :(

Did you both get weakness in the arm and leg too? Slightly?

And pain?

I can't tell if it's from me straining it or it's a real problem.

16-10-12, 19:21
How did it go at the neurologists?