View Full Version : Tingling skin sensations & vitamins?

11-10-12, 20:03
Hi everyone!
Ive had restless leg syndrome for a few years now but lately its been getting worse, or so i thought...
Symptoms have changed for me and now include skin sensations, difficult to describe - like the skin on my legs is throbbing with a pulse, like the inside of my legs are spinning, or like each hair on my legs have electricity going through them!
Went back to the doctor tonight and she thinks that is not restless leg syndrome but may be a vitamin b12 problem, so has told me to get bloods taken, appointment for that though is one week today and of course now im worried that i have something wrong with my blood :scared15:

I have been taking a vitamin b complex tablet for a while now as i heard it may help with anxiety, its not really helped but i see on the box that it does contain b12 so i should not be lacking in it now should I???? Im confused!!!
Doctor said the way to treat the deficiency, if i have it is by injection :wacko:

Does anyone have any thoughts on this???
Any advice/ experience welcome!!!

11-10-12, 20:24
well i cant tell you that the hair electrifying thing happens to me to and not just on my legs i feel that in my arms to. i dont know what it is that you have but i am sure it is not anything serious

12-10-12, 16:17
Its really worrying me today, skin feels like its really cold, sometimes like almost on the verge of being numb, but to touch it feels normal!!
Also today almost everywhere on my body that i touch/press aches like what touching a bruise would feel like.
Horrible :0(

12-10-12, 21:07

It does sound like your symptoms could be Vitamin B12 related hun.

I have just been diagnosed with Pernicious Anemia, which is an inability to absorb vitamin B12 through the gut in the normal way. I'm also Falate deficient which often goes hand in hand with B12.

I've just completed my 6 loading injections, which are done 3 a week for 2 weeks then I'm moving on to having an injection every 3 months providing that my follow up blood results come back good.

I had a whole host of symptoms which led me to my GP.
Numbness and tingling in my fingers, toes, hands and feet.
Visual disturbances.
Extreme tiredness.
Bad concentration.
Light headiness.

Not everyone will have the same symptoms, they can vary widely from person to person.

I'm so glad that your doctor is going to test you for this as this condition is easily treatable with injections of Vitamin B12.

Since my loading injections, I have already noticed some difference in me but, unfortunately, it isn't a quick fix and it can take a while to really feel much better.

I have joined a group called the PAS Society based here in the UK but members are from all over the world. They have been most helpful and supportive to me. There is loads of information on their site about the condition and, if you join, you can ask questions on the forum. The senior members there, the moderators, are very very experienced in this subject, not only are they sufferer's themselves but they are very in the know about the condition and everything, just google and have a look hun:)


---------- Post added at 21:07 ---------- Previous post was at 21:00 ----------

Sorry hun, I meant to say that the vitamin B12 that you're taking probably isn't being absorbed by your gut, that is why, if you are low in B12, they have to treat it with injections.

Have a look at the PA Society website, it's full of useful information hun.


12-10-12, 21:51
B12 problems can cause you to feel shaky,dizzy and have odd sensations.
Being too low or too low can give the sensations.
Also if you're low you tend to be more prone to mouth and lip sores.
It's easily treated so that's good : )

12-10-12, 23:41
Thanks for the replies!!
Its so reassuring to know someone has read your post and can relate!
I dont have all the same symptoms as you Moosie, i do have the weird tingling, this year i would say my vision by night time can be a bit blurry, i have been a bit forgetful recently and ive had a problem with lightheadedness since developing anxiety.
Thats a lot of injections!!! What about the 3 monthly injections? will they be for life??
Thanks for the advice guys, its really helped me understand
Of course im petrified that if the blood comes back ok for b12 then im in real trouble!!!

13-10-12, 22:36
Hello again:D

Yes hun, the usual treatment is to have the 6 loading doses which are normally done throughout a 2 week period.

They normally then check to make sure that your levels have gone up enough and if they have, then it is usual to go to having an injection every 3 months and this is usually for life.

Please bare in mind though, that treatment can sometimes vary from doctor to doctor and from area to area, they all have their own approach.
