View Full Version : Anyone else sick of hearing about cancer this month?

11-10-12, 22:09
So here in the UK it's (breast?) Cancer awareness month. Now I know they are trying to raise money and awareness and that's great BUT do I really need to be told that I have a 1 in 3 chance of developing cancer every time I turn on my TV and see that advert? (which seems to be on almost every single ad break!). I'm well aware of the odds thanks, since I was sat in an ENT centre getting my swollen lymph nodes checked just last month!
In my opinion, that kind of advertising is not raising awareness of symptoms at all, just terrifying everyone.

Then yesterday I see a story in the paper about a woman who had cancer but her GP turned her away 30 times! This starts me panicking because I must have made about the same number of visits over my Lymphoma fears but none of my doctors believe me either. :weep:

I do try not to search for these kind of stories because I know they make my HA worse but they are everywhere right now. I feel a bit like I'm in the doctors waiting room, trying not to read all those scary leaflets on the wall that tell you the signs and symptoms of cancer.

11-10-12, 22:20
I don't watch TV or read newspapers anymore as the 'news' stories they feature are sensationalist, fear inducing and present a distorted view of the world.

Even adverts for toothpaste are fear inducing these days over emphasising the danger of mouth bacteria! Plus the endless stream of cleaning product adverts highlighting all manner of bacteria (that always existed and never harmed anyone).

I don't have health anxiety, but I can imagine the impact that the media has on HA sufferers by reinforcing their fears and anxieties.

Try to reduce your exposure to TV and newspapers, especially before bed when you need to wind down for sleep.

11-10-12, 22:43
I don't watch TV or read newspapers anymore as the 'news' stories they feature are sensationalist, fear inducing and present a distorted view of the world.

Even adverts for toothpaste are fear inducing these days over emphasising the danger of mouth bacteria! Plus the endless stream of cleaning product adverts highlighting all manner of bacteria (that always existed and never harmed anyone).

I don't have health anxiety, but I can imagine the impact that the media has on HA sufferers by reinforcing their fears and anxieties.

Try to reduce your exposure to TV and newspapers, especially before bed when you need to wind down for sleep.

It's horrendous.
I have no problem with them raising awareness of the symptoms, particularly the more unusual cancer symptoms that some might not be aware to look out for. But most of the advertising just focusses on scary statistics and I don't see how that helps anyone...
The 'blood in the bowel movement' is another horrendous advert. I'm sure everyone knows that blood in bowel movements should be checked out anyway without having to see that every time they turn on the TV.
I'm hoping once October's ended they'll be less cancer related stories and advertising because I'm a nervus wreck already and it's only the 11th. :weep:

I wish they'd think about this when making adverts. I'm sure there are better ways to raise awareness that won't end up terrifying people. :weep:.

11-10-12, 22:46
Trashy magazines are horrible for it - That's Life etc - you are always hearing about misdiagnosed cancer, young people being terminally ill, people not realising x y and z were major symptoms of diseases a b and c! I am convinced this has fuelled my health anxiety as I had been buying them to read on my break at work!

12-10-12, 13:41
Yes I am getting so so sick of it! I dont even like to watch tv anymore! Even here in Canada once October is over for breast cancer then it goes to some other cancer and each month its something new! When cancer is your biggest fear as it is mine you start thinking oh my God is this a sign or something, lol that probably sounds crazy but I do feel that sometimes.

12-10-12, 14:13
Lisa...I feel exactly the same I feel it is all aimed at me and is trying to tell me something...it's awful and it's ruining my life :weep:

12-10-12, 14:15
omg don't get me started. That article about that poor woman who had cancer misdiagnosed 30 times gave me a panic attack. I couldn't stop thinking about it and I feel so awful for her, it's just terrible. Certain newspapers definitely word articles like this in a way to induce fear.

There was one only recently that detailed the symptoms of heart disease and all of the symptoms culd be applied to the entire population intimating that the whole population has heart disease. It's ridiculous. I try to stay away from the articles but I feel I need to read them to know what symptoms to look out for.

Which of course doesn't help my HA.

12-10-12, 14:24
:shrug:Am I the only one that isn't at all bothered by them then?

12-10-12, 14:36
I carnt get away from it ,I have a family member whose very poorly with it :weep:

12-10-12, 14:52
Personally, it depends on what I think I have at the time. Cancer isn't one of my fears (YET!) so they don't bother me so much. A few months ago though I was convinced I'd had or was about to have a stroke and everytime I turned on the TV or switched channels, the stroke advert would come on - F.A.S.T - Face, Arms, Speech, Time! Freaked me out big time :scared15:. So yes, I know how you feel. I think we tune into things more with our mood. Something that wouldn't usually bother me can send me into meltdown when I'm highly anxious! xx

12-10-12, 15:08
I saw that story in the paper yesterday too. I try to avoid stories like that but sometimes they're just in your face! We just have to remember that the reason it's in the paper is because it's rare. They wouldn't publish a story about every person who got ill but when something out of the ordinary like that happens, it makes the papers. It's the same with plane crashes, mass murders etc. That's how I look at it anyway.

12-10-12, 15:24
That Bowel Cancer ad on the radio is on every 5 mins

12-10-12, 16:14
:shrug:Am I the only one that isn't at all bothered by them then?

Not at all, I am totally the other way.... I know people who these adverts have helped

and I am sorry but if these adverts help 1 person out of 50 then they are worth it.

I am not trying to cause arguments or saying what you feel about the adverts is wrong BUT If they save 1 persons life then they are worth it no matter what any one else thinks of the adverts.

The reason why I say this is that at the minute I am very much being affected by someones cancer diagnosis..... A very close friend of mines sister was diagnosed with breast cancer about 6 months ago, since then she has had allsorts of treatment which has all been in vain so now she has been told that her cancer is terminal :weep: on top of that another one of her sisters has been diagnosed with breast cancer recently....... so they are having to deal with that too as well as now ALL the females now having to be genetically tested to see if they have the cancer gene that is running through their family and if so face very tough decisions!!

So I am not belittling any HA sufferers opinion it must be a horrible disease to live with and i understand your point of view but anything that helps raise awareness of cancer or the symptoms is a good thing.

If you do not like the adverts I am sure you could mute the tv during the ad breaks.

12-10-12, 17:22
I think the Stand up to Cancer campaign is aimed at all cancers and not just breast cancer.
I know the adverts can be awful for us anxiety sufferers but at the same time i think they do a good job at raising awareness and for raising funds for research.

For example the Elaine C Smith breast cancer advert i think is very good and i have heard a few women talking about it and how they didn't realize some of the symptoms shown in the pictures could be a sign and needed checked.

Sadly on Tuesday my husband's uncle died of stomach cancer so we are very aware of the adverts at the moment.

On a lighter note - i find that bloody wonga adverts more disturbing!!!!!!

12-10-12, 17:28
I completely agree. My mum had breast cancer so I already have anxiety around that then 3 weeks ago I was having blood when I went to the loo but after 6 children I have horrendous piles (sorry TMI). So I was convinced I was riddled with cancer. Then I switch the tv on and it's all over the tv, I put coronation street on and a character is having a breast cancer scare!! I had to keep muting the parts she was in and my family kept moaning at me cos they were trying to watch it!

I understand and agree that awareness is important but I have Asperger syndrome and work with young people with autism and aspergers and they get very anxious as well so a thought for people suffering with anxiety would be good!

12-10-12, 18:10
i too have breast cancer,just finished chemo and its not very nice at all,i got hospitalized twice because of it,the thing with breast cancer is still a lot of people think its just about a lump and dont know the other signs,so all awareness is good,i suffer from bad health anxiety too nut oddly enough its not the cancer,i just have to deal with that but its the things i imagine i have that send me almost over the edge,its either heart related,or lately because i read on the injection you have after chemo it can rupture your spleen i thiought that was going to happen ,its a nightmare.

12-10-12, 23:56
Trashy magazines are horrible for it - That's Life etc - you are always hearing about misdiagnosed cancer, young people being terminally ill, people not realising x y and z were major symptoms of diseases a b and c! I am convinced this has fuelled my health anxiety as I had been buying them to read on my break at work!

I know what you mean - I used to buy those "real life" magazines nearly every week so that I'd have something to read in my lunchbreak at work. Some of the stories can be rather depressing, especially the ones about people dying of illness, accidents and murder. I don't buy them so much now. Nowadays I tend to buy other magazines like Cosmopolitan instead, as they contain a variety of different articles and tend to be more upbeat.

13-10-12, 00:43
I understand and agree that awareness is important but I have Asperger syndrome and work with young people with autism and aspergers and they get very anxious as well so a thought for people suffering with anxiety would be good!

I totally agree. I think that there is so much health awareness raising information available to us these days. I really don't believe that saturated (often sensationalist) media coverage promotes anything other than fear and totally disregards people with anxiety based health problems who internalise these fears.

13-10-12, 19:56
See now as I already said, raising awareness of cancer is important. I will never disagree with that. But in my opinion there is a massive difference between raising awareness and scaremongering.
For example, the '1 in 3' advert I mentioned in my original post, how does that help anyone? How is it helpful to know that we have a '1 in 3' chance of developing cancer? The only thing that raises awareness of is fear.
YES, tell people about unusual symptoms that they might not necessarily have been aware to check for. But scary statistics about cancer rates are not beneficial in any way.

I wish some health charities considered advertisements which were beneficial to raising cancer awareness but also took into consideration the many people suffering from anxiety disorders. It's possible to product helpful, health related advertisements that aren't just full of scary statistics surely?
I remember sitting in a waiting room at a breast clinic and this advert started blaring out about this man whose friend had died quickly and horribly to cancer :scared15:. I couldn't believe that there were no nurses around to turn it off. How exactly is an advertisement like I just described, helping anyone?

13-10-12, 20:41
And they also fail to mention that over 64% of cancers occur in the over 65 Age Range

13-10-12, 21:05
I worked with children and families for years and did health based development work that promoted health in a fun way as well as making sure children and adults knew to visit their GP to check any symptoms or changes in well being. I taught yoga & relaxation to children & adults, run pamper days with massage, healthy food & recipes and health professionals to advise on health issues in an informal way which was informative, interactive and fun! Yesterday I donated jewellery I made to a charity evening to raise money for a local cancer hospice. The night was full of fun including an art auction, live music and a burlesque act. Raising awareness of health issues or fundraising for charities does not need to be all doom and gloom or provoke fear. The more engaged people are in health issues the more they will benefit in my opinion rather than provoking fear which switches many people off to many awareness raising campaigns today.

14-10-12, 09:53
I completley understand the reason for the advertising campgaigns, the government and WHO require all health professionals to be trained in the importance of health promotion. My problem is it all seems to centred on cancer whereas there are hundreds of other health conditions we need to be aware of too.
I have terrible health anxiety - mainly about cancer, and when I qualify next year as an occupational therapist I will be seeking work away from working with physially ill people (as I have done for the last 10 years) because I think this has excarerbated my problem.
Problem is my cbt therapist told me that avoiding these things is part of the problem and fuels the anxiety - I disagree, avoiding these things is my coping mechanism and helps me to focus on other things instead of ramming it down my throat everytime I turn the tv on or read a news headline.
It definatly has its place and people need to have an awareness, but I will be avoiding it the best I can.

14-10-12, 10:00
I am sick of hearing about cancer, I just can't get away from it. It just fuels my anxiety. I have stopped reading newspapers, magazines, can't cope with it.