View Full Version : Anxious

11-10-12, 22:28
my anxiety seems to be getting a little worse.
Is it classed as a illness, it should be, It's certainly effecting my daily routines now.

11-10-12, 22:44
Sorry to hear that Power... It certainly is and can be very debilitating when it gets a hold on you. i know you said you were on some tablets.. what are you on and at which dose? x

12-10-12, 07:08
I am sorry to hear that your anxiety is getting worse, try and stay positive, this really help's. Keep yourself busy and try to make plan's for the future, not matter how small. Sometimes it is two step's forward's and one step back, but don't let it get the better of you.

12-10-12, 08:47
Just been through a relapse myself and it is a terrible feeling , hope you come out of it soon .

12-10-12, 09:23
It is classed as an illness, I remember my doctor coming out to visit me when I was at my worst and I said "Am I going mad"? His reply was "no you are not, you are very ill though but will get better"

13-10-12, 22:59
things get better when you fight it, i cant leave my house anymore without feeling like the ground is going to swollow me up, keep stong you can beat it :) x