View Full Version : In so much pain... Now I'm worrying...

12-10-12, 01:50
I've had the most excruciating headache since Monday. It goes from my upper left shoulder, up the left side of my neck, behind my ear onto my temple and behind my eye. A horrible aching feeling. It's been on and off since Monday but has never gone completely. It feels best in the mornings and when I'm resting.

About half an hour ago, the pain started to go down into my upper left cheek and my teeth. Touching my face hurts :(

Is it neuralgia or something bad? My mum, granddad and sister suffer from it + my mum said it sounds similar to neuralgia! I'm worrying I have something really serious wrong with me though:(

I can't take ibuprofen which is really annoying, but I can still take paracetamol but it's never worked for me. I have a hot water bottle at the moment at the bottom of my neck but it's a bit awkward to hold there! The pain hurts so much I can't sleep :(

If I'm not feeling better by tomorrow then I'll try and get an appointment with my doc.

---------- Post added at 01:50 ---------- Previous post was at 00:05 ----------

Please someone help :( the pain is so bad and I'm worrying so much. I just want to get to sleep. Worrying its something to do with an artery or a tumour :(

12-10-12, 07:45
Hi hope you are feeling a bit better by now. Just wanted to say, don't know what your pain, is but if it is neuralgia, you have my sympathy, it is the most flippin painful thing ever. Check with your doctor for peace of mind though, they might be able to reassure you . :hugs:

12-10-12, 08:30
Hi jsp,
It may be a bug. Last week I had severe headaches, usually around my temples/forehead and worse in the afternoon or after exercise. Some days I felt sick with them and had tingling in my arms. Anyway, after asking at work it seems like there was a lot of us feeling that way - must of been a bug, the headaches have nearly gone but I've been left with an 'upset' stomach, tiredness and increased anxiety.

Try to look after yourself like you've got the flu - lots of rest, fluids and good diet, that will hopefully help x Sam

12-10-12, 09:04
It could be tension as well. If left to long can get very painful, really warm wet clothes rinsed in mineral salt has helped me . Hop it turns out ok for you.

12-10-12, 13:21
Thanks for the replies everyone. I'm glad that no ones said it's something really bad! Haha.

I've just woke up and it's still pretty bad :(

12-10-12, 22:02
I would go to the doctor if its a new symptom.

I get migraines, sometimes I get the pain on the left temple, the pain can travel all down my neck so I think maybe tense muscles can cause it.

Do you have any other symptoms besides pain?
The achy teeth makes it sound like a sinus issue, which can affect your ear and the tubes in your ear which travel down the side of your neck.
Usually with the sinuses the pain increase if you bend your head down.