View Full Version : giving up hope

12-10-12, 08:10
i really am giving up hope here guys ive just had enough panic attacks one after another 4 the past week my anxiety levels ave hit the roof cant even focus on my kids coz im panicking wen i look at them i keep trying to stay posotive but i get ok then the nites im awake all nite with panic attacks starting setreline50mg sat 1 at nite but i just dnt see an ending to this please help:weep::weep::hugs:

12-10-12, 08:22
There is hope, you will get better, I promise :hugs:

I have been there - constant high anxiety, not knowing how I'm going to get through the next few seconds, minutes, hours, thinking I would never get better but I did and you will too. The medicines take quite a while to work, sometimes making the anxiety worse to start with but with or without medication the panic will recede in time - it can't stay that high constantly. Have you got any Diazepam or sleeping tablets you could take?

12-10-12, 08:37
I have also been where you are now and it is extremely frightening.......
You will get better, hopefully the antidepressant's will help. I do agree with Samhar70, it would beneficial for you to have something like Diazepam to help you through the early day's of taking your antidepressant's.

12-10-12, 08:43
I wish there were magic words I could say to help. Every time you get through it it is a success but I also know how scary it is and will pray hard for a cure for us all. hugs

12-10-12, 09:21
hi guys thats wot people keep tellng me and i just cant take it in jus want to get bk to normal im just thinking if ihave sumthing wrog with m thas why im like this i have suffered with anxietyand panic 4 may yrs and i am 33 yrs old now but never like this ivealways been able to control them and ive neva lost slee ova it is it normal to ave thgese attacks everyday morning noon and nit one after another i dnt have the suppor of my family as they struggle to helpme i feel so alone my patner i just keep pushing way and wen i lok at my kids i just panic and cant hold them:weep:

---------- Post added at 09:21 ---------- Previous post was at 09:18 ----------

There is hope, you will get better, I promise :hugs:

I have been there - constant high anxiety, not knowing how I'm going to get through the next few seconds, minutes, hours, thinking I would never get better but I did and you will too. The medicines take quite a while to work, sometimes making the anxiety worse to start with but with or without medication the panic will recede in time - it can't stay that high constantly. Have you got any Diazepam or sleeping tablets you could take?
hi ive always been scared to take things like that as they make u feel drowsy and all spaced out and i have a 4wk old daughter and a 6 yr od autistic boy so i cant do sleepig tablets

12-10-12, 12:39
Blonde please hang in there, I was like this a few weeks ago, in day 12 of 50mg sertraline and I feel fantastic I honestly can't tell you how much better I feel. I was the same as you with my kids too. Get started on your sertraline and after a few days it will get better I promise xxxx

12-10-12, 13:24
Hi, what you are experiencing is very normal in anxiety. At it often seems worse when we are at our most vulnerable or we are battling with it and trying so hard to focus. I had this last year for a few months and i was like a zombie , cooped up in my room and waiting for it to pass. What i found helped was reading ( if you can focus long enough) self talk helps, you need to realize that anxiety is very very clever and it can trick us easily, when we panic we focus on the fear and then we become scared of the feeling , this is what i read in that amazing book by Claire Weekes. And anxiety is not imagined, it is our body preparing us for fight or flight , thing is, all we are scared of is the awful feelings and this tends to make us panic. It's a catch 22 situation. What you need to do is realize that it will come, peak and subside. I used to have panic attacks one after the other as well. And like you, i tried so hard to be " normal" and look after my Children, but it just wears us out more. However, after a while you will see the pattern that anxiety takes, it can make us feel wobbly, sick, dizzy, scared, agitated, sometimes all at once. It is great that you are starting on sertraline, and like the others here wrote, try taking diazepam as well, if anything just to help you feel calmer. I am going through panic attack and depression at the moment as well, and its hard to make family and loved ones understand, what i do though, is when i feel better, i try to explain to them that it is as real as any other illness, but nobody can see it. If you havent read Claire Weekes then try and get hold of it, her writing is very reassuring and it explains a lot. You will be fine.

12-10-12, 13:45
Never give up hope

12-10-12, 13:55
Aww, I know how you feel. I had a ridiculous day yesterday, felt like I was on a constant panic attack, didn't feel supported, and didn't want to be near my children (didn't want them to see me like this). It's hard when you don't have people who understand what you're gfoing through, but look at all these posts, there is help, and hope, and you can do this. x

13-10-12, 03:54
Please dont give up, everyone on this site, wants you
to get better very,very soon

13-10-12, 04:37
You will get better, try get some diazapam, it will help with the immediate issues BUT only take it for about a week, two max!

14-10-12, 21:07
thanks guys i have teied diazipam b4 and it idnt agree with me i like to ave a clear head me just fel like im headingfor a nervous breakdown with all yhe attacks feelphysicalldrained im on day 2f sertreline 50mg and very anxious and my head is feeling fuzzy