View Full Version : Hello, everyone!

12-10-12, 08:25

I've posted a little bit around the forums already (especially in the health anxiety section). But, I've not actually done an introduction post yet, so here it is. As you can tell from my username my name is Faye, i'm 23 years old and just recently completed an MA. My MA year was very stressful, both in terms of the workload and my personal life, I had a lot of difficulties. I've been suffering with Depression since I was about 13, but, had only had brief spells of what I now know to be anxiety. However,around 2 1/2 months ago just after I finished my MA I moved back in with my parents to save up money before I could find my own place. I had only been back a couple of days when I developed a fast moving rash and felt sick, so, as a precaution I was sent to A&E (a place I hadn't been since I was very young) all tests were done and the Doctor assured me I had a viral infection probably due to a lowered Immune System due to the stress of the year I had.

However, after that I've become obsessed with my health and in the last couple of months have pretty much imagined that I have every illness under the sun. In fairness, the doctors I've seen have been very patient with me and over the last 4/5 weeks I've had multiple blood tests, urine tests, x rays and physical examinations. All came back fine. However, i've been unable to calm myself and started to experience all sorts of physical symptoms such as numbness, headaches, panic attacks etc. It was then my GP and the Doctor I saw when I wet back to A&E said that I am suffering from the effects of anxiety and referred me to a counselor (who, i'm still waiting to see). It all seems to fit my behaviour, the physical symptoms, my constant need to check my body for lumps and rashes and imaging serious illness based on minor symptoms.

I've got to say this might be a controversial point, but, I would much rather be experiencing Depression as I've known it than this. There's been nights in the last month were I really thought it was the end of me, it's terrifying!

Although, i'm still waiting to see a mental health specialist, my GP made an interesting point to me. When I was younger I contracted Meningitis and was very lucky to survive. But, my GP at the time diagnosed me incorrectly initially making my survival all the more lucky as I was very far gone and apparently already arresting when I finally got to hospital. My GP suggested that because my viral infection initially presented in a similar manner, I had a massive panic which started the anxiety surrounding my health and may contribute to me being unwilling to take the Doctors word for it. That would makes sense to me. Anyhoo, that's my story so far. I'm hoping that with some counselling I can get through this because these last couple of months have been hell for my mental state. So glad I found this place. :hugs:

12-10-12, 08:36
Hi FayeM567

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

12-10-12, 08:54

It's an interesting point about the viral illness you got and how you've developed anxiety since then. I believe that's a fairly common factor - it certainly is for me, on the positive side as your physical health improves your emotional health should also - unfortunately at a slower rate. Time is the greatest healer but help by taking good care of yourself, rest, drink lots of fluids and eat well - that always helps me recover. Relaxation, breathing exercises, gentle exercise and distraction also help.

Remember you will get better, you just need some TLC and time out and this is your bodys way of making you do that.

Love Sam

12-10-12, 08:59
Hello hope you get some help on here ,I certainly have.

12-10-12, 09:00
Thanks for the welcome!

the positive side as your physical health improves your emotional health should also - unfortunately at a slower rate.

That's my hope. Sadly, at the minute I seem to be in a vicious circle of my anxiety increases due to the physical symptoms of it, which only makes my symptoms worse, which only increases my anxiety etc etc. My main hope for the counselling sessions is that I can learn techniques to prevent the behaviour/ thought patterns that creates a circle like this, you know?