View Full Version : Sick as a parrot!!

12-10-12, 11:06
Went back on to Citlalopram last week, and the doc started me off on 10mg. Today I've doubled the dose as advised by my GP.

Well, I'm sat at work having hot flushes and feeling unbelievably sick. I forgot how it made me feel last time I was on them four years ago.

I know it won't last long, but ughh...I want to go home.

12-10-12, 11:58
Sorry to hear you're feeling rough, but good on you for going for it with the meds. I don't know if it will help you, but I take motilium 10 for nausea - you can get over the counter in pharmacies and supermarkets (it's cheaper in the supermarkets). They do pills to take with a drink and instants which just dissolve in your mouth, no bad taste. They really do help me.

Stick with it, thinking of you x