View Full Version : Cancer, heart attack/stroke worries

12-10-12, 11:39
Hi All

I know I have been posting a lot recently but this has been a ruddy awful week for HA.

I have had worries of lymphoma, stomach cancer, oesphogus cancer, heart attacks this week.

I keep getting pains in my left arm. It feels like a nerve pain but I don't know why it hurts. This sometimes extends into my left shoulder.

I've also got this feeling of mucus stuck in my throat and a constant need to clear my throat as well as pains in my stomach, flutters where my thyroid/voicebox is.

I'm sat at my desk at work now and all of a sudden cos a shooting pain in my arm. Does anyone else get this? I feel like the only one :(

I have an appointment with the cardiologist tomorrow to get a holtor monitor fitted but now, of course, my anxiety has shifted a bit from the heart and more focussed on cancers. I know this is because of the numerous news stories about people dying of cancer or diseases which have gone unnoticed and through GPs fobbing people off :( It's frightening me that there's somethign wrong that the doctors aren't picking up.

12-10-12, 11:53
your not the only one , im exactly the same i have HA its awful no matter what anyone tells us we find it impossible to believe ,i even had tests and questioned them,the hardest thing to do is believe, im going to CBT and omg its helping me im getting the answers ive been looking for and slowly im getting better have you tried cbt if not its worth ago xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

12-10-12, 13:55
Yeh I'm having counselling sessions to help but it's a struggle. half of my knows I'm probably worrying over nothing and the other half is convinced there is a problem. Every time I get a chest twinge I go into panic mode and I get a pain in my arm or I get a funny sensation in my throat.

I have no trouble swallowing but I keep getting throat flutters, I don't know if it's a heart palpitation or something wrong with my oesphoagus :(

Every time I eat a chocolate bar or something I worry about it cloggin my arteries and giving me a heart attack. If I go out at lunchtime to the shopping centre I worry about collapsing and who would come and help me :( all these things are in my head constantly particularly that I'm going to drop dead suddenly :( xxxxxxx

12-10-12, 14:08
Just remember its your anxiety and its makes us think this way, try thinking differently tell yourself its your anxiety nothing more ,and tell yourself you will be okay ,everytime i feel awful i do this ,i also focus on other things its hard but by focusing on something or keeping busy i forget about my symptoms, keep going it will get better its working for me, and dont get me wrong i still have horrible thoughts and symtoms i just tell them theyre not going to beat me and im going to keep fighting this fight and win xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

12-10-12, 15:16
Oh Lou, you sound like me. I get pain in my left arm when I get trapped wind. Strange I know & if I googled it, it would say I'm having a heart attack but I know that it's linked to wind for some bizarre reason! I also get throat flutters, feels like I need to take a breath when it happens. I'm the same with eating sat fats, I think my arteries are instantly going to clog up. I don't eat certain things if the fat content is too high. I think of it as a heart attack on a plate! Even though I usually eat healthy and don't smoke, I still think that pastie or pie might kill me!