View Full Version : Dizziness returns

12-10-12, 15:24
Hey everyone,

I've been posting about vertigo and dizziness and thought I would update on how things are at present.

After having a difficult week but still going to work (often late, occasionally shaky). I woke up this morning and the dizziness was back with a vengeance. I made an appointment at the drs and as I was walking there I had to keep leaning on walls as I was convinced I was going to pass out. I saw the doctor and burst into tears telling her how awful I felt. She looked in my ears and said they were badly congested and full of fluid which she thinks is from the virus I had a couple of weeks ago. My BP was fine, temp fine and no swollen lymph nodes. She diagnosed labrynthitis and has given me a nasal spray. I was so relieved I burst into tears and we discussed the anxiety making the dizziness worse.

I was ok, until I got home and now I'm convinced it's not labyrinthitis, it's a brain tumour or if it is labryinthitis I've been reading all these posts on the Internet about how it might never go away or if it goes on for over 3 weeks (which this has) then its something more sinister. I can't get an appointment with the mental health team for another 2 weeks an I feel desparate. I wish I wasn't me.

Does anyone else feel like this?


12-10-12, 15:45
hi just logged on for the first time in a long time. i was going to start writing my story....but will do later, as when i read this i felt sorry for you as i did and thought the same as you for about 3-4yrs, and never thought i would ever feel normal or not dizzy again. well if you can try have a look at posts ive done in the past, and it will probably sound like you and may reassure you, that its not a brain tumor or anything else sinister... i could say 100% its not to you, but you probably still wouldnt believe me 100% but i use to doubt myself and other people... please try so hard to think its nothing sinister/brain tumor, and that's how i got over m dizzys instead of convincing myself it WAS a brain tumor or something bad, i had to convince myself it WASNT....i hope you can. good luck, hope ive helped a little....ive done so much this last year off not feeling that way, been on holiday on a boat which i never ever dreamed i would be able to honestly. i go to the supermarkets more than i ever would because i can now but always did home shopping before as couldnt go out much from feeling i was going to fall / pass out.....i told myself over and over and over that it WAS anxiety making me feel dizzy not anything bad, and over time a few weeks of pushing myself to go to small shops and saying im fine, as i was walking around, and as soon as i felt slightly dizzy / swayey i would say to myself "No keep walking and go to the cake isle or crisp isle" just to have a look...when i got there i was like "see you haven't passed out" and talked myself out of it every time....i hope this makes sense how ive written this... good luck. jo x

12-10-12, 15:50
Yes I totally understand. I've got Labarynthitis at the moment, had it now for 3 weeks. I had it for the first time 10 years ago.
I was convinced that my high bp was causing it.
Panic does make it worse, for sure.
My doctor gave me some pills called Serc, they help a bit.
Panic causes dizziness , lightheadedness but not actual
Room spinning vertigo, that's from ours ears.
Please listen to your doctor, not to your inner devil, bullying you
Into thinking its much more sinister!!!
Take care. It will pass soon xx

12-10-12, 15:50
jo thats exactly what i do i talk to myself and i tell myself im not going to faint and its just anxiety ,keep doing this it really does help good luck xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

12-10-12, 16:00
hi stressed, its the best way, ive been great since about a year, i would never ever let the dizzys get hold of me again...lol x

12-10-12, 16:03
good on you Jo, :hugs: i keep going everyday i no i will get there thanks Jude xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

12-10-12, 16:12
I've just been prescribed a nasal spray too for my euchastrian tube dysfunction! I was having blocked ears and getting dizzy after any kind of exercise. I'm pleased to say it's worked *touch wood* and I've only been taking it a week. At the time I though I was stuck with it forever; it was ruining my life. But looks like I'm on the mend now, although now my regular recurring symptoms are back. They'd left me alone while I was concentrating on this other symptom, but now they're back with a vengeance! :weep:

12-10-12, 16:32
I had something similiar. I'd been having problems with my ears for a few weeks (sore, ringing, crackling) then I woke up one morning so dizzy I could bearly move. This only added fuel to my brain tumour fears! I managed to get to the doctor who did all kinds of neuro tests which I passed. My ears were checked for infection and they looked fine. She put it down to a blockage deep in my inner ear which I was told could take weeks/months to clear up. I was prescribed medication for vertigo which didn't help much. Up until recently there wasn't a day when I didn't feel dizzy or lightheaded - some days were worse than others. I've just lived with it. I still have issues with my ears but for now the dizziness seems to have gone away. Really hope you feel better soon - I sympathise. Big hugs. xx

12-10-12, 16:42
Thank you everyone, I'm overwhelmed by the replies in such a short space of time!

I think one of the worst things is that I'm now scared to go to bed because the dizziness is always worse when I've been lying down (dr said the fluid pools and then moves when you get up) so night time is becoming a trigger for anxiety/panic.

I'll try and distract myself and see if that helps. I'm not sleeping well because I wake up to "check" if I'm dizzy!!

Just want my life back.

Thanks again everyone it's good to know I'm not alone!


12-10-12, 17:31
you will get there, like you said try and distract yourself ,i do alot of reading and i no night time is always worse i hope you feel better really soon im sending you a:bighug1:xxxxxxxx

12-10-12, 23:09
Thank you mrs s,

I'm currently propped almost upright in bed - dozing off then jumping awake. I used to love bedtime, snuggling with my son but now I just feel a sense of dread :weep:

I'm praying to feel better tomorrow.

Hope everyone has as good a nights sleep as they can.


20-11-12, 13:22
Hi there,
It could be your sinuses/ear infection. Please make sure also that you have no black mold around your house and/or leaking toilets.