View Full Version : Boils,Boils and some health anxiety for good measure!

12-10-12, 16:56
So as I have posted about several times..I have been on several courses of antibiotics for several boils that keep re-occuring. I finished my course this Sunday and everyday the area is looking better and better...until today that is...Now I have two new spots..exactly how the others started! I have refrained from picking as this is how the others evolved to boils....So I have searched on google I know I shouldn't of and I REALLY wish I hadn't now...because every sight I have visited has said that it could be caused by HIV. Now I know this sounds ridiculous but it has been all I can think obsessively about for 3 hours now...I have a new kind of anxiety that I never knew I had!! I am having a test for Diabetes on Thursday...Will I be tested for HIV too? Or will I have to request it? Also as I have to fast prior to the test,will the results be instant...with regards to the diabetes?? I really feel like passing out...just so queasy thinking about this. I really felt alot better these past few days and now I can't stop thinking about this and I am weak in the knees with worry. :weep:

12-10-12, 17:10
You will need to request HIV test and some places won't do it unless you have had counselling before they take your blood. There has to be specific consent signed by you before they can take blood for HIV testing. I get spots and boils all the time, so these aren't a concern of mine, my focus is breast cancer and I know exactly how you feel...health anxiety is so debilitating people don't realise :hugs:

12-10-12, 17:15
I doubt it will be HIV (I googled it!) But if they are recurring then it could be other skin problems so I would go back to your doctor and tell him you have more. Poor you, you were just starting to feel better. Make an appointment with your doctor..there is other medication they can give you if they keep recurring xx

12-10-12, 17:17
you should ask yourself would there be any way you could of contracted Hiv if not what makes you think you would have it ,also i dont no if they would test you for it ,i had my fasting bloods diabetes would show up ,i also have a friend who suffers with boils all the time shes not got hiv ,im sure you wil not either xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

12-10-12, 17:31
I agree Lu. If you can't think of any way you can have contracted HIV then it's incredibly unlikely that you will have it, whereas there are any number of other reasons why you might keep getting these spots/boils - in-growing hairs, oily skin (or skin products) causing blocked pores, fatty diet etc. Having said that, if you want to be sure beyond any doubt then because some countries insist on a clear HIV test before you can enter you can pay for HIV tests at various clinics (e.g. your local sexual health clinic, and some Superdrug pharmacies even do it I believe), but as others have said, part of the appointment involves talking about the potential results first.

I don't know about the Diabetes test the Drs do, but my aunt is Diabetic and I know that she has a little machine which shows her blood sugar level immediately from a drop of blood from a finger.

12-10-12, 18:18
Thanks for your replies everyone. I never knew there was such a thing surrounding being tested for that. I have convinced myself of Sepsis,cancer,brain tumour. So I am pretty sure this is just another one of those. I think I just got carried awayin my thoughts and picturing how it would be at the worst case scenario and then I freak out. Stress is also a factor for weakening an immune system and causing boils etc. Never really look to the obvious. I am feeling ok anxiety wise today. Quite spaced out as per usual but it isn't bothering me so much. I must admit that I do feel quite down today. I am wondering whether I am depressed. I know I have just suffered a recent big loss so I suppose this is normal. I feel that I am changing everyday. I think that's a good sign.I am finding going out ok at the moment but then picture myself doing the bigger things and it makes my stomach twist. Then I feel down and think negative things like "I'm not getting better at all" I find it easier to mope. lol

12-10-12, 19:14
I get boils at time when I am stressed. Antibiotics doesn't clear them and they normally go away on their own. HIV isn't a fear of mine but my GP did ask me to get a full STD check (inc. HIV) and it was just the same as a normal blood test.

I walkin in -> They said hello -> Took tiny amount of blood -> Results back next day