View Full Version : feels different

07-08-06, 18:41
my attacks etc have felt different lately. as well as being panicky constantly i'm also feeling sick constantly and i'm being sick. this did happen a few years ago but i'm concerned. has anyone else had this problem?

07-08-06, 19:35
mine has cahanged so many times from the chest to the sickness and now to the dizzyness and funny heart buzzing. i am so sick of saying " but this is different" to myself and scaring meself . i hope my different symptom is just anxiety expressing itself in a different way and im sure yours is too

horrible i know


08-08-06, 21:44
hi jackie, just read your post, and im exactley the same, every time i go to the doctors with symptoms, she eventually says after examining me its anxiety related, i always say are you sure, because this time it feels different and it dose, but i guess if it felt the same then we wouldnt worry and if we didnt worry about these symptoms we would all be cured, in theory thats how i wish i was, but putting it into practice, well thats another thing, at least we all have each other. take care kym