View Full Version : Scary Panic Attack symptom

12-10-12, 19:34
My name is chris I am 18 years old and for the last 3 years I have been getting these exploding sensations in my body that are extremely frightening and they interfere with my everyday life the actual symptom is hard to describe; it's almost like a banging sound and a sensation of pure terror suddenly comes over me and its very fast almost like my pulse wants to escape? I just want to know if anyone else has anything similar to this.

12-10-12, 19:45
Hi Chris,
Sorry to hear about what you are dealing with. When you say you have feelings of pure terror it sounds a lot like a panic attack symptom and the sensations are part and parcel of that. Especially if we are tense or on edge and they seem to come out of the blue. Try not to focus on them and let them come and go. It's normal with anxiety to have all kinds of body sensations. Dont worry so much about them. Lots of Luck.

12-10-12, 19:46
You are experiencing the symptoms of an anxiety attack. It will probably reach a peak at times. From what you describe it is panic coming on. The racing pulse is due to the anxiety building up. Have you been to a Doctor to tell him about these symptoms?

12-10-12, 20:12
Check with your doctor, he will most likely say it is anxiety and will reccomend the best thing for you. Take care.

15-10-12, 17:55
Hey Chris, I think I know exactly what you are talking about. It's happened to me a couple of times and it is super scary!!! Once while i was driving and went to turn my head to change lanes I had a loud snapping sound inside and it felt like the roof in the back of mymouth was collasping afterward I felt confused for a few minutes and really shaken up but then it passed. One other time i had snapping and popping sensation on the top of my skull. I hope this get better for you : )

21-10-12, 02:31
Any physical symptom can range from annoying to scary. I'm quite sure what you're describing is a panic attack symptom.

Tends to come out of the blue, but I wouldn't necessarily be too alarmed by it. Just get a quick checkup with your doctor to get the all clear and then I recommend seeing a therapist or psychiatrist to help your recovery.

23-10-12, 23:31
I have suffered with anxiety attacks for some time, and have experienced what sounds like exactly the same thing when nodding off to sleep. I don't generally get it any other time, but it seems like it's one of your symptoms.