View Full Version : Feeling very distant

12-10-12, 20:12
So I have had abit of a stressful day mentally. Felt less anxious so what do I do? Take the opportunity to dwell on negative thoughts. This has resulted in me feeling very distant tonight and quite dizzy. This isn't my usual DP dizziness but just don't feel stable despite being bed. I don't feel dizzy on standing but just feel unstable. Like when I focus on the tv my head feels spinny. It's like my head is full of water or something. I do feel very uneasy and when I feel in my head I feel that a panic attack is close. I just need a little reassurance because I feel like something bad will happen.

Paul H
12-10-12, 22:27
Hello there Loopy.

You've probably found that distracting yourself by typing this message helped somewhat.

Well done on dealing with your stressful day more effectively. Take the time to praise yourself for what you've achieved. Take the time to seek and recognise what you've done to make today less traumatic and decide what you can take from today and use tomorrow.

Have an early night and wake up well rested. Well done for today. The absence of a terrible day, today, doesn't mean something awful is being stored up. It only means you're learning how to cope. Good job!


13-10-12, 04:14
I get that dizziness where it's like it starts in your eyes?
I find the tv or lighting can make it worse.
Sort of makes it hard to focus