View Full Version : I feel like giving up.

12-10-12, 20:36
I dont know how much more of this I can take. Tonight I feel awful, I feel like I am going mad and will be sectioned soon. I feel like crying or screaming or something.
I'm scared I dont want to do this anymore, I feel like this is not just side effects this is more and I will never be the same again.
Im so tense and feel unreal and out of step with everyone else. It wont stop. Ive been on Cit for 3 weeks and 4 days now and feel terrible.
Im having my old thoughts as well now like my body is going to stop working and Im going to have locked in syndrome. Im frightened. I cant take anymore. I feel so tense like my hands are freezing up.

12-10-12, 20:41
I've felt like this for a few days :( I'm having the worst irrational thoughts ever n they r disturbing!! Been nearly 5 weeks now n feel awful! X

12-10-12, 20:44
Hi Michaela2012,

Its so horrible isnt it. I just dont know what to do. I feel like Im dying but I know its just panic and in my mind but Im that close to phoning nhs direct or something.
I feel terrible.
What dose of Cit are you on?
Hannah x x

12-10-12, 20:48
It WILL get better Hannah. I am the same as you. When you get really deep in..It is like you have locked in syndrome. I feel like I have this veil seperating me from the world and that I am so distant. It really is unbelievable. Like I mentioned previously..I just get a continuous doom feeling. Like inifinity. It's weird and scary and some of the thoughts and eelings/emotions are indescribable. There is this film..about a guy who goes into this hotel room and he keeps escaping then wherever he ends up when he believes he is out..the walls will suddenly fall and he will be back to square one. It actually reminds me of that film..the whole situation. My life. It is like a living hell. BUT...This is increased anxiety from your meds....plus anxiety alone makes everything a million times worse. I had an episode at 22 and I GOT OUT! I am only back the last 8 weeks after LOADS of stress and the tipping point being a death in the family. You really are not stuck like this forever. Just try and lie back..and distract. Or do what I do to sleep every night...Just try and clear your mind and think of NOTHING. Keep practising this. You will only get rid of anxiety by decreasing it's power and hold. I get so worked up that I can't even follow my own advice here but you need to keep strong. You ARE strong..You wouldn't have this if you weren't!!!! xx

1408 is the name of the movie. AWFUL xx

12-10-12, 20:50
I'm On 20mg but want to go up! I feel full of terror! I'm not to sure if it's coz it's time of the month but I feel like I'm losing my mind! I have had enough of these thoughts! I've never really felt the 'not feeling real' symptom but I've had it the last 2 days and I never want it again, that's wats starting off my thoughts. X

12-10-12, 20:52
I'm On 20mg but want to go up! I feel full of terror! I'm not to sure if it's coz it's time of the month but I feel like I'm losing my mind! I have had enough of these thoughts! I've never really felt the 'not feeling real' symptom but I've had it the last 2 days and I never want it again, that's wats starting off my thoughts. X

Mine is SO much worse during my period. The hormones do actually make the anxiety worse unfortunately. It doesn't stay so severe x

12-10-12, 20:55
It's just this unreal feeling, it honestly feels like im not in my own body! Does that make sense? X

12-10-12, 21:55
Hi Michaela, first of all you are definitely not going mad and you will not be sectioned, its just that your anxiety is at a really high level. I have been through what you are experiencing and I actually admitted MYSELF into a psychiatric unit. Believe me nothing happened, they just left me to calm down for a week and then sent me home. I experienced continual upsetting intrusive thoughts, like a stuck record in my head and I was convinced I would never ever be normal again. But you will recover just as I have. You need to try to go with the feelings and the thoughts, easier said than done, I know. Once you learn to live with these feelings and thoughts and just accept that they are there, they will disappear, they only stay because you pay attention to them. I do hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

12-10-12, 22:06
Thank you harley, I hope i come through the other side!! I was doing really well until my period arrived and just feel like I've taken ten steps back! We're u on any tabs or did u do it alone? X

12-10-12, 22:55
I also feel worse in the runup to my period. The anxiety tends to reduce about a couple of days after my period has begun.