View Full Version : Hey I'm Smit :)

12-10-12, 23:17
I'm suffering from anxiety at the moment and have done for a while. I dont really understand it, so I hope by talking to others i'll be able to pick up some tips and pass on some that I may know :)

Um a bit of background info I've kinda had bad anxiety for the past year, but after talking to a counciller at uni she thinks some things I have experienced it since I was younger. Certaintly only in the past year has it started ruining my life~
Its a constant thing for me, with rare one or two days where I may not worry or experience symptoms. My doctor has tried giving me citalopram <which i freaked out over taking> and propanalol. But i'm not very good with taking meds so he took me off them.. currently waiting to hear about CBT? Think it may be a better route for me, who knows I just want to feel like me again.
I guess I would describe my anxiety as health anxiety with a bit of claustraphobia mixed in too.

In truth, it would just be good to talk to others who expeirience this too

12-10-12, 23:28
Hi smit

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

12-10-12, 23:36
Welcome to the forums! :) I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here.

13-10-12, 03:48
Hello Smit

So glad you have made this step to talk to people on
here and am sure you will find other people to help

Hope you feel better soon

13-10-12, 07:05
Hey Smit,

The CBT sounds like a really good idea, I hope it helps you deal with your symptoms more effectively. You will get loads of help here too.


13-10-12, 19:59
Thanks :)

13-10-12, 20:26