View Full Version : Changes so much I cant keep up..

12-10-12, 23:27
Hey ^^

I think my problems cross over into health anxiety as my anxiety often causes symptoms that can be both confusing and distressing. For example the stomach cramps made me think i was ill, the dizziness made me think I was aneamic etc. So far for each symptom Ive managed to find a way to get over it (e.g eating a ice lolly for painfull throat/ distracting myself).

My most recent ones though are being more annoying than usual. This is a very annoying feeling like I have a chest cold with a tickly cough. It literally only affects me when I get home in the evening and try to sit down and relax, then it starts and I have a hard time ignoring it.

I was wondering if anyone had experienced symptoms like this?

I went to my Dr as I didnt want to google these particular symptoms for remodys in case I found something that would make me worry more. As soon as my Dr heard the word Anxiety she talked about the deep breathing excersises you can do, but I've so far found these ineffective as it makes me focus on my breathing (Never good in my case). So any tips woud be welcome ^_^

13-10-12, 04:08
Honestly when people first start having anxiety then often just feel ill!
Before I was diagnoised, I was always feeling nausea, dizziness, headaches and things.
I was finally diagnoised years later lol!
I kept going back to the doctor with physical symptoms.
I honestly didn't know what was wrong other than I felt sick and scared

Anxiety can cause a tickle sensation in the chest and throat, that gives you the urge to cough.
Distraction usually helps.
Learning to meditate, it's so cool! Honestly once you get better at it it's like a whole new level of relaxation :)
There's different types, basic mediation where you think about nothing, just let thoughts come and go but without gettibg lost in them.
Then there's visualisation too, it's good to imagine a nice relaxing place in high detail so you can go there in your mind to chill out.
Relaxing or meditating to certain music can help, so you associate that music with relaxation so when ever you listen to it you automatically relax.

13-10-12, 20:02
oo this meditation sounds far more interesting when you put it like that :P I thought I could never do it as im hopeless of thinking of nothing :P That music idea sounds brill too, thanks for the advice :D