View Full Version : Numb arms, HELP

13-10-12, 12:24
Ok so this morning at work ive been lifting roof tiles, now after a while I went to lift a stack and got this electric jolt feeling in my arm, and now the side of my arm has kind of a pins and needles feeling when I touch it, it's also slightly numb. It's happened to both my left and right arms and it's in the same place, what has happened is it an emergency??? do I need to see the doctor asap or is it like a pinched nerve or something.

Its not quite as bad now but im making my self ill worrying about it :(

13-10-12, 12:28
I get this sometimes. Try putting it against something cold, like a painted plastered wall.

13-10-12, 12:40
Its really stressing me out, ive stopped lifting now, was like a jolt of electricity in my arm and now the inside edge of my arm has gone kinda numb, feels a bit like pins and needles to the touch

13-10-12, 12:54
I have had this in the past its was like you say electric it shot up my arm and it left it feeling numb ,mine took a few days to feel right ,but my arms go numb anyway gp said it was anxiety symptom see how it goes if its still bothering you get it checked but my was ok xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

13-10-12, 14:00
Its wearing off a little bit now, not as tingly/numb, I took an ibuprofen which I think may have helped, ill monitor it till monday but It's not going to do my anxiety symptoms any good, was just getting over brain tumour fears, this definately does not help