View Full Version : Hi guys

13-10-12, 13:37

I'm 19 years old student in Biochemistry from Bulgaria, currently doing my first year at the university of Dundee, Scotland. My first panic attacks started in the middle of August but however I visited a doctor for a first time around a week ago because I couldn't handle it anymore at all.I had some terrible experiences at the lectures and at the workshops - crazy heartbeat, high blood pressure etc, so currently I'm taking 80 mg Propanolol.
Yesterday I had a horrible panic attack and my flatmates even called the ambulance because I was so so so scared, totally pale, clammy and shaking.I was sure that I'm dying and it was 30 minutes of enormous terror... :wacko:
But guess what, after 3 minutes of chat with the doctor on the phone I was fresh as a pickle so It turned out as just another panic attack story.. :doh:
I have no idea what to do, this thing is always giving me tons of troubles with my education because I just can't stand the spacious rooms and labs and few times I skipped classes.I think to visit a psychiatrist but I'm not sure whether or not I'll be able to have a successful therapy in english and besides I don't know how much It will cost.Many members of my family suffered from anxiety. It took almost an year of rest at home, therapies and pills for all of them to fix the problem while I have tons of tasks to do...

13-10-12, 13:44
:welcome: hi you will get alot of help and support here glad you could join us xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

13-10-12, 13:48
Hi folypeelarks

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.