View Full Version : Neurologist app. - what is the process?

13-10-12, 14:11
Has anyone been to see a neurologist?

What is the process of it?

Will I get a MRI when I'm there?

I'd hate to have to wait longer to see one.

Basically I'm terrified :( My app is on Monday.

Just need some kind words from people who understand.

13-10-12, 14:50
They basically tap things and get you to walk in a straight line and stand on one leg that sort of things.

Nothing really exciting to be honest lol

No you won't get an MRI unless they have booked you in for one.

13-10-12, 14:54
If they don't think I need an MRI will they not give me one?

And if they do will I have to wait even longer for one :(

I can't stand this waiting, I'm freaking out :(

13-10-12, 15:07
They won't give you an MRI on the day unless it has been booked and you have been told you are having one.

Calm down you will make yourself ill over this. You need to go with the flow and see what happens next week first.

13-10-12, 15:18
It's not really as easy to just calm down though...

13-10-12, 15:57
You can't change what is going to happen so it is not worth worrying over that is all I am saying.

Stress really isn't good for you - I know that too well!

Just relax and think nice thoughts not bad ones.

Look positively that nothing bad is going to be found and you are well and fit and healthy

13-10-12, 16:28
Listen , they can't just give out MRI's for anything. i went to the neuro on Friday hardly able to speak it was that slurry. he done some wee tests and asked questions then sent me on my way telling me it was anxiety. MRI's cost alot of money. He will asses if u need one

13-10-12, 16:32
I know they can't just give them out for anything... my symptoms are very real...

13-10-12, 16:35
You will get it looked at next week Alice and then they can determine if it is anxiety or something neurological.

Please try not to stress ok - I know it is hard but things will get worse and seem worse when you worry about them.

13-10-12, 16:35
Yes but they will do some tests do determine if they are caused by anxiety or a real neurological disorder before sending you for an MRI. I know anxiety symptoms are real

13-10-12, 18:35
Once the neurologist has assessed you he will then decide whether your symptoms and test results warrant further investigation, and perhaps an MRI. If you do need an MRI you will receive a letter in the post detailing your appointment. Nothing scary will be happening on Monday, it's routine and many people go through such assessments. Try and not worry too much, it will be fine. Try doing something to take your mind off it, read a book, watch a DVD, go for a walk.
Best of luck x

13-10-12, 22:10
Hi Im new here today and I saw your post .I might be able to help as I have had some experience . Basic neurology exams are straight-forward. You will first talk about your problem. This may be very quick, so have your thoughts organized. Refer to your written notes. Some Drs ask questions during the physical exam. In the basic exam, the Dr will test your reflexes with a small rubber "hammer". You only need to relax for these tests. Your legs, arms, hands and feet should quickly "jerk" when the hammer is used; this is normal. The Dr evaluates different aspects of each reflex. You may be asked to perform certain tasks, such as walk on your toes or walk on your heels. Although it seems silly, these are also important indicators.You may be asked to follow a pen with your eyes; or to touch the doctor's finger with your finger. You may have to touch each of your fingers to your thumb, as fast as you can. These evaluate the normal nerve pathways.The doctor may lightly prick your skin with a straight pin or open pin, or run a pen or semi-sharp object across your skin while your eyes are closed or open.You will only be referred for an MRI if the results of exam are abnormal that will not be on the same day. Hope this helps you, try not to worry it will not be as bad as you think