View Full Version : Getting a new job while on long term absence

13-10-12, 14:14
Hi all, just looking for some advice/support on this one.

I've been off my current job since May with depression/anxiety which is now mainly really bad anxiety. I think/know I need to bite the bullet and get back out there.

My current job is pretty not helping. It's an unsupportive company and workplace. I don't find it stressful but it's dull and mediocre and although management I regret taking it from day one.

So, I'm getting CBT atm and looking to get a new job. And I have an interview at a better paid, similar commute role. It's very different to what I do and it's behind a desk (good for panic attacks!) I'm a lil worried about references and explaining my absence. If I get the job there's a medical screening (but that's for their support network, not dependent on the role)

I'm thinking of being honest. I'm not sure what to do if my current job trashes me. If I'm honest will they think I might do the same to them down the line?

Stressing me out!

13-10-12, 14:32
Hey, glad to hear you are feeling a little better :)

Well what makes a workplace good for me is its environment, never mind the job :P Go to the interview and tell them what you are comfortable with? Explain this is like an illness that you may need some understanding while you continue to get better. Te staff there may be very different to your old work collegues ...

If you dont want to be at your old workplace its probably not the best place for you I guess.

Good luck :)

13-10-12, 18:44
Hi jkkne,

I recently had something very similar happen - I left my job of two years as middle management in a bookshop to work in an office, but I was only there for a month and went off sick for two weeks with depression. I since got a new job and have been petrified ever since that my old job would give me a terrible reference and I would get sacked, but it has turned out to be an excellent job, they know about my situation and my manager has been awesome. I'm being promoted in a couple of weeks.

I hope this gives you some hope for the future and I wish you the very best of luck! You will be fine. :)

Danny xxx