View Full Version : Cant handle this head pressure

07-08-06, 21:27
Im so sick of feeling ill all the time. I had a quite a good weekend and today my head has felt horrible, ive had pressure in my head all day, and felt sick on and off. It makes me want to scream/cry. Im so scared i might have a brain tumor or something terminal. I don't even feel as if anxiety is bringing it on. But the other part of my wonders if it is anxiety. Ive been through dizzyness, had my heart checked and been convinced I couldnt breathe and now i've had this for the past month or two. I feel so ill everyday at work I dont know what to do. Im so scared of dying. I have a doctors appointment next monday but don't know whether to go to the walk in surgery tomorrow - they say its for emergencies so im worried they will say they dont think it is one. Ive just changed to a new doctors (cos I moved) so I don't know what the doctors are like/whether they will be nice and help me or just say its probally nothing. I haven't been diagnosed with anxiety, everytime I went to my old doctors they said it could be anxiety/stress but never really gave me any answers. I just want to know why i'm feeling like this, but I'm scared in case its something really bad that cant be cured [V]

08-08-06, 10:19
I know exaclty how you feel. I have had numerous CT scans and other tests and have been assured that the headaches I suffer are tension headaches. Sometimes the pain is so bad I actually have to moan out loud...and I like to think I have a pretty good pain threshold. I've had diziness too. I think you should ask for some tests (CT or MRI) just to reassure you that it is panic, not because I think it's got a more serious cause. It amazes me how much physical pain anxiety can cause. I'm terrified of dying to..but my GP assures me that's not going to happen any time soon!

Good luck and PM me if you like
Love Michelle

"This too, shall pass"

08-08-06, 14:40

We're about the same age and I know exactly how you feel. Their are so many symptoms that anxiety can bring about it amazes me. People can have their hair fall out, get rashes all over their bodies or just feel dizzy and stuffed up in the head like you do. Its crazy how each different body reacts to stress. The key thing here though is that it is just that, stress and worry. So many people on this site are suffering the same symptoms and very few, if any, actually have anything life threatening wrong with them. That, if nothing else, is the biggest re-assurance I can find.


08-08-06, 14:53

I suffer from this all the time. I posted about it yesterday "It's Back" in Health anxiety! I went back to the Docs yesterday and she has now referred me to physio for my neck as she thinks it is tension. Nothing at all serious......

Anychance you are related to TWO HEADS, I speak to her a lot and she haid her sis suffers like i do and is a memebr here.....just wondered????

Hope you feel better soon xx

Hay x

09-08-06, 18:03
Hi everyone, thanks for your replys. No Hayles, im afraid im not two head's sister!

I had a better day yesterday and then today has been really bad again. I just keep trying to tell myself that if it was a brain tumor it would be there everyday and get worse and worse (which its not). Its still so horrible though. AAGGHHH!! I just want it to stop!

11-08-06, 07:37
Poor two heads - one is more than enough for me:D
My headache will be good for a day and the next it's back worse than ever! Just had to say that I tell myself the exact thing - if it was a tumour or something I don't think they would come and go. I've been told too, that the headaches that indicate a brain tumour are not very severe...that counts me out and you too!

"This too, shall pass"

19-11-14, 17:34
I had head pressure, tiredness, anxiety for years. Thankfully I kept on researching and asking why, but I went down the alternative route. I discovered that it is caused by psychic attack.

There are 2 types of psychic attack caused by spirits; one type is very bad where the spirit wants to feed off us and this makes one feel the most anxious. With these I discovered that you can Bind and Rebuke them in the name of the Trinity / God / Jesus and send them to the deepest pit of hell. I do that in batches of 3 as that seems to work.

The other type of psychic attack are by spirits of people who died with no belief in the after life. they find themselves out of their body and then they panic and latch onto somebody who is shiny and looks kind. They want help to go forward but they can't as they are bogged down with guilt and anger.

The way to deal with them is to help them get rid of the anger and guilt. I ask them to say the Sinner's Prayer with me, i.e. 'I forgive those who harmed me in the past, I ask forgiveness for harming others in the past and I ask Jesus to become my personal Saviour and to let me enter God's Kingdom. This usually allows them to 'whoosh' off into the Light.

You may think this is far fetched, but it works. Took me years to find out about this stuff. I also get a lot of healing from going to Mass - I became a Catholic because I noticed that in church all the heaviness just goes away spontaneously and the Mass is the best thing for this.

Hope it helps xx