View Full Version : Faint feeling?

13-10-12, 15:14
Ive suffered from panic attacks for about 2 - 3 years now, i have had every possible feeling and symptom you can possibly think of. i thought i was beating it since i didnt react anymore to the panic but now its turning into " the faint feeling " ive fainted 4 times now with it so i am terrified to leave my house incase it happens when im walking down the street. I start my new job next week and i dont know how im going to manage leaving my front door. is this just me or do others suffer the same feeling?

13-10-12, 15:27
Hi there. I've never actually fainted but I get the sensation that I'm about to a lot. Especially when I'm sitting still or at my desk at work, all of a sudden I'll feel a jolt like I'm being pulled back and am going to fall. It's horrible! Dizziness effected me a lot before but it's not quite as bad now. I was convinced it was a brain tumour so had MRI scan, which was all fine. Unfortunately, it seems dizziness/light-headedness is a symptom of anxiety. Although I think I don't feel anxious and it still happens. Very annoying! I hope you get on ok with your new job next week, I'd be terrified having to go through all that again. x

13-10-12, 15:33
Hi there! thanks for responding to me, its such a horrible feeling! hopefully i can fight it and get on with things but right now its winning :( x

13-10-12, 16:19
Hey, Yup i've experienced this too its horrible. I fainted on my first day of work, but to be honest it wasnt a problem. My new collegues were fine about it and we even joked about it later :P
If you feel it comming on do you start the breathing excersises or try and distract yourself? I've found distracting myself seems to work better for me >.< experiementation is the key!

13-10-12, 23:16
Iv never fainted, but do get the faint feeling with my panic. I get the jolt feeling to when im at my desk at work, or when im out in shops.

even when i think im not anx it seems to be there. Iv had it loads of times but i still think im going to collapse.

Good luck with the job next week, i started a new job 6 months ago after being off with my anx and panic for nearly 4 years. Iv had 2 panic attacks since being there and lots of days with anxiety but im determined to stick it out

mandie x

14-10-12, 00:11
You're iron might be low but you can easily take a supplement : )
The last few times I've felt proper faint, sudden weakness, shaky, sweaty, racing heart, I realized I hadn't eaten. So right after eating I felt way better :)
Dehydration can make you faint too, maybe try a sports drink to see if it makes a difference.

When it happens the fear/anxiety can make it worse.
Try to stay calm, breath, maybe eat a mint or chew gum, take a sip of water, stop walking,rest until it passes.

It has happened me a lot, it's scary when I'm alone, so I find slowing down n trying to relax helps.