View Full Version : Memory loss!!

Two heads
07-08-06, 21:37
Hi all!
I have been taking citalopram for five months all so,and have found ive got momory loss!
I just seem to for get the silly things all the time. Its stuff i would have had no problem remembering befor i ever started these drugs.
Where i put things ,and stuff from the shop,what people have said to me.Sometimes ive even asked people the same question that i asked them 10mins befor!
Does anyone else suffer with this?xxxx

polly daydream
08-08-06, 00:12
Hi Two heads, yes snap I suffer with the same since being on Cit, I'm also very tired all the time and not quite myself.

Sorry your post did make me laugh!

Take care,

Polly x

Two heads
08-08-06, 19:41
Well thanks so much polly for your one and only reply!
Its great to known im not a lone,i was starting to think i was,lolxxxxx

08-08-06, 20:04
Yes definitely

I had the same thing with Citalapram - I think possibly you can get this short term memory loss with most ssri's not sure though.

It's embarrassing actually, my daughter would say "don't you remember me telling you mum".


Y Goble

Two heads
08-08-06, 20:41
Thanks for your reply yvonne!
I known its embarrassing because people think you havet been listening.I was starting to get worried as i thought i was looseing my mind,lol.
And your right its def short term memory loss!xxx

08-08-06, 21:49
Hi Two heads

I was on Citalapram for 8 months. Like you I found that my short term memory was shot to pieces. However, I did find that I was remembering things from my childhood that I thought I had forgotten.


Two heads
09-08-06, 21:54
Thanks Ian for your reply hun!
Yes its just as you say shot to pieces.Somebody asked me about a film i watch last week and i couldet even tell them what it was about for at least 5mins after they asked me,its as if i just go blank!
Hows your moemory now?Normal i hope.
I just hope its not here to stay!!!!xx