View Full Version : Fluoxentine advice pls

13-10-12, 16:52
Hello to you all was hoping u may be able to give me some advice, I was on and off flux for around 8 years and boy it has been fantastic for me, was nearly weaned off it by the end of the summer when I started to get the old crap feelings back , I suppose at this stage I was on 2 to 3 20mg tabs per week. So I went back to the docs and she said to go back on Them everyday again to settle my anxiety. I have had all the shitty side effects as everyone lists and felt loads worse than before I started back on the Meds prop. Now my prob is I am on week 4.3 and really not feeling great at all. Until the eves when most things I can cope with. Do you think my body has grown immune to theses wonder drugs or should I give it more time, has never taken so long to kick in as this time... Any advice I would really appreciate , many thanks xx

13-10-12, 17:04
Hi ive never been on fluox but ive been on and off cit for years and this time around when i restarted it i felt dreadful :ohmy: i honestly thought i was dying from the side effects, i was climbing the walls with my anxiety levels and unfortunatly this didn't pass and i had to change meds, apparantly its quite common for an AD not to work aswel or at all second time around, don't suffer, go back to your gp xx

13-10-12, 18:20
Hi scooby and Nicola sorry to hear you have both not had it good on medication:hugs:
Reading this post made me think about the Prozac I take on 40mgs at the moment and have been on/ off them for over 20 yrs have tried others but never really got past the first few weeks because of side effects, went back on Prozac again 2004 but constantly have episodes of depression anxiety and since August 11 depersonalisation, the GP want me to up to 60 mgs but to scared thinking might get the dreaded side effects by upping but also wondering if they have stopped working for me
My sleep is very bad also but to scared to take any sleeping tablets was prescribed zoplicone but again thinking these might trigger the DP off
Feel such a idiot being so scared of medication but the dp is so terrifying sorry to go on

13-10-12, 18:58
Hi scooby

I would give it a bit longer, at 4.3 days and plus I was still really bad with the side effects and then at just over 5 weeks suddenly started to feel better, I thought they were never going to work.

13-10-12, 22:06
Hey we are all in this , it's shite and there has got to be a way out of this, feel like my life is on hold and nothing is ever going to be the same again. I'm fine in the evenings, almost think shhh it's gone only to wake up the next morning with it throttling me again. I have a diazepan to start my day then try to grit my teeth till about 3pm when it slowly lifts then in evening almost near perfect. May need to change my meds , got an appointment Tuesday, just want to be able to do normal things again like shopping and going out for dinner and not avoid people in case the things they say trigger off my panic once again. I spend most of my day on top of my bed trying to make sense of it all. Here's hoping good old prosac will come up trumps for me again, fingers , legs toes arms crossed. Love to u all who are suffering too. Dee xx

15-10-12, 13:56
Hello folks , just thought I would update you, last couple of days I have been feeling slightly better, no where perfect but a little. It's been 4 weeks and 4 days so here's hoping things will get better now and I won't go back again, the mind is one powerful tool, here's hoping everyone is getting there too. Xx:hugs:

15-10-12, 14:45
Hi Dee

Glad you are feeling a bit brighter today, just hang in there for a few more days, as I said it was just over 5 weeks when I started to really improve, my doctor said to give it six weeks but not to expect a miracle on the sixth week but fortunately I did not have to wait that long.

15-10-12, 14:58
Thankyou, how long have you been on them now? Xx

15-10-12, 15:15
seven weeks tomorrow, I have a docs appointment in the morning, last time I saw him I was feeling like you.

15-10-12, 15:28
So pleased for you, it's so good to be able to talk to other people in the same boat, I have docs tomorrow, not sure what she will advise, dnt really want to up my dose incase side effects come back , she may say wait till the 6 week mark. Xx

15-10-12, 15:34
let me know how you get on

15-10-12, 16:03
And u xx