View Full Version : Off balance and sore neck

13-10-12, 17:19

I've been lurking for a few days, basically coming here instead of google, cos as we all know that opens a can of 'oh my god I'm definitely dying'.

About 4 months ago now I started feeling off balance, not dizzy just if i stop sometimes it feels like the floor is swaying slightly. I went to the docs about a week later when I had a cold and he looked in my ears and said they looked fine, he said it was probably a virus and not to worry.

2 weeks later I was still feeling off balance so I went back to the doctor because everytime I googled I covinced myself of a brain tumor. Dr didnt check my ears this time but basically told me it was anxiety and to just calm down and come back if it still didnt get better.

SO about 2 weeks later, I booked another appointment as i still felt off balance and I was getting anxious about dying etc. This time I went to a different Dr, a woman one. She looked in my ears and striaght away told me i had fluid build up in my ears and it was most likely sinus/hayfever related. she gave me some nasal spray and said to come back to talk about anxiety meds when the off balance cleared up.

Well, two weeks later I still felt off balance when walking, its not enough to make me lose balance or anything but its off putting. I went back to a different dr in the same surgery and she confirmed the ear fluid/sinus problem even when I mentioned my neck tightness and like a heat up one side of my head from the back of my neck but only on one side.

Ive always had neck stiffness and posture problems as Im in a wheelchair or use crutches due to cerabal palsy.

My last visit to the Dr I had a hearing test which was the same as it has been for years, I'm a little tone deaf on left side and always have been. As they had no record of my tone deafness due to me moving a few years ago the doc said she would try to find my old results and if she COULDNT she would book me an appointment with ENT to be sure.

That was three weeks ago and I'm still feeling off balance, some days my neck hurts and the burning is in the back of my neck and left side of head where it usually is, more so when I'm anxious.

I've been to 3 doctors and they all know my symptoms and dont seem too worried so, should I be? I just keep googling and freaking myself out that I have a B T! like just now i gave in and read on a google search that weird sensations in the head could be a tumor :(

I hate google but I cant get the idea of having something serious even though my drs say it couldnt be a tumor and I'd be very sick etc if it was.

Sorry for long post, Im just worried

Any advice, do you think its just anxiety mixed with inner ear/neck problem? just need some more reassurance really.


13-10-12, 17:26
Hi, I have been dealing with the same worry. The key thing you said is COULD be a brain tumour in the same way a headache COULD be a brain tumour but realistically it's a migraine or tension, your problem could be caused by a million and one things but it's most likely stress, as the more you think and concern about the problem the more it's there making your symptoms worse. Doctors know what there talking about, you questioning their judgement is like going for a meal at a restaurant and questioning weather or not they cooked the food properly, if any of the doctors had a slight bit of worry they would have taken action. My granddad has a brain tumour and like he tells me all the time 'If you had a brain tumour, you would know about it..' try not to concern yourself and try and put it at the back of your mind!

13-10-12, 17:49
You do make an excellent point and I know your right. My logical mind is telling me to calm down all the time and when I do, at least the neck/head pains are next to nothing. but certain days I just seem to panic myself and feel so much worse.
I have another cold now so of course I feel crappy anyway.

I know a brain tumor (which i have worried about for at least a year off and on) would be worse by now...I soldier on :shrug:

I hope you are feeling less worried yourself :)

13-10-12, 18:19
Today has been one of my off days but I have them from time to time, trying to think logically more often, haha and I hope you are feeling better soon :)

13-10-12, 19:14
I hope so too, I got this tension in my neck in January which caused heat all over my head the more I panicked. After I went to a Dr back then and she said it was just a neck tension thing it dissipated completely until i got this inner ear/sinus complaint and now the tension is back :huh:

Some days are better than others and I'm hoping tomorrow is one of them. for you too!

13-10-12, 20:03
Fingers crossed for us both then! :)

13-10-12, 20:23

I've had the same problem (see my posts). Started with a cold and sore throat/ear. Some up next morning with vertigo. Massive anxiety followed as I was sure I was dying. To cut a long story short and so I don't repeat my previous posts, the dizziness has been coming and going for 3 weeks and I went to dr yesterday who said my ears were completely congested with fluid. I've got a nasal spray but she did say that recovery is not an overnight thing and can take time, especially when you have anxiety thrown into the mix. However, I also have had a stiff, achey, painful neck an wondered if that was causing the dizziness as well.

I just wanted to say I know how you feel, it's a scary feeling. I really hope you feel better soon.

Big hugs xx

13-10-12, 20:41
Thank you for your reassurance :hugs:
I'm sorry that you too are feeling this way, my ears have always been prone to infections but I was ALOT younger when I had my last one before this fluid/sinus thing.It didnt help that my first two visits to docs the guy did nothing to help but the other two doctors were alot more reassuring and helpful so...

Yes it is a slow process I have been told and anxiety is a symptom of ear infection/sinus.

Its good, in an odd way to know there are others having similiar problems, logically we are not dying as the docs could tell if it was serious.
The anxiety is making me tense I'm sure, some days I get no pain in my neck or head but on panicky or over thinking days i just feel really crappy.

I really hope you feel better soon, if not im (now) around if either of you want a chat.

talking to others has helped me calm down a bit. :)

14-10-12, 14:44

So today I woke up and my head felt fine but as soon as I did wake up I was kinda waiting fr my neck and left side of my head to hurt. basically I've managed to convince myself I'm dying again because the more i think about it, I get like a tight naralgia type feeling on the side of my head and my neck hurts that side too. :( the dr told me this was muscle related but I have no idea why its only ever on the one side of my head/neck.
The only thing I can think of muscle related is that I had a trapped nerve in my shoulder the same side a few years back AND I only really use my left arm for most things.
Washing my hair
pushing my wheelchair
typing etc

I think my left side is just really tight but i dunno, its sunday, not much going on and I'm worried again that im gonna die from something terminal :(

Any advice?

14-10-12, 16:28
One thing I do know is muscle tension is like one of my main symptoms, I have been told that it's anxiety related. I get neck/shoulder/eye/head tension and also occasional muscle twitching when I'm stressed, so many symptoms lol... I have convinced myself of so many illnesses I look back 8 months I had heart failure not so long ago I had parkinsons disease and now I have a brain tumour it's ridiculous today is one of my off days too, kinda nervous all day :(

I'm only 18 as well, so I have no idea why I though I had parkinsons lol

14-10-12, 16:38
I won't even watch that new film 50/50 even though it looks really funny but the main guy gets a tumour and it will just get me even worse! one day I will watch it and feel fine, I hope! maybe i need to get out and exercise some more, I'm not sure. its been months since I felt normal but the upside is I can have good and bad days

14-10-12, 16:45
That's me all over, I am very picky about what I watch, I watched a program about someone with a brain tumour which set me off, but not only that I went to google for advice, never a good idea!

14-10-12, 16:53
GOOGLE is never a good idea. yesterday (bearing in mind my left sided head pains and shoulders/ neck etc etc.) I read one sentence about if you had a headache on one side then it could be a brain tumour, and since then now and again im freaking out LOL.
it takes so little for me to remember the negetive if i google, I think i might just ban myself from Google= AKA 'wait for the word cancer to appear from one random symptom'

14-10-12, 16:55
I purposely try and link my symptoms to brain tumour how bads that! Like for example I got eye floaters not long ago and instead of googling 'eye floater causes' that would have been too easy I had to go and google 'eye floaters brain tumour' so obviously I managed to find a page where someone said they had a tumour and got eye floaters, so obviously I was so sure it was that!

14-10-12, 17:03
Oh yes, there is actually a site that lists a bunch of tumour patients and they list symptoms- needless to say EVERY possible thing you could think of is there, so its so easy to think ive got one that way- Googling is emotionally tiring, the way i see it, if i pass out/loss some sight/ wake up with the worst headache ever then i will worry....very weird logic but some days thats just how i get by

14-10-12, 17:05
My grandad has a brain tumour, I told him I was worried and my symptoms, he laughed at me and said If you had a brain tumour you would know about it...., and by the way he has had his for 18 years

14-10-12, 17:06
FYI Ive had eye floaters, well very very small ones since about 15 and only if i look at a white background and i have to look for them too. I dont think they are a sure sign of a tumour

14-10-12, 17:09
I have 2 large ones and some little spots, they are caused by tension in your head which is also an anxiety symptom, I very rarely get headaches when I do it tends to be a caffeine craving lol, I could go on all day listing my symptoms, one that concerns me the most is this tiny little black spec in my vision, its just outside my vision but its not a floater, it follows my eyes which ever way they move, ive had it for a year and its never got bigger or worse and to be honest its in the opposite eye to the floaters, I also get my headaches at different sides of my head, sometimes its behind my right eye and sometimes its behind my left eye

14-10-12, 17:17
---------- Post added at 17:17 ---------- Previous post was at 17:11 ----------

I have 2 large ones and some little spots, they are caused by tension in your head which is also an anxiety symptom, I very rarely get headaches when I do it tends to be a caffeine craving lol, I could go on all day listing my symptoms, one that concerns me the most is this tiny little black spec in my vision, its just outside my vision but its not a floater, it follows my eyes which ever way they move, ive had it for a year and its never got bigger or worse and to be honest its in the opposite eye to the floaters, I also get my headaches at different sides of my head, sometimes its behind my right eye and sometimes its behind my left

if its outside your vision, is it just your blind spot? im sure thats part of the anxiety too. I have a hot spot on the side of my head which tingles when i get stressed, been told that is pinched nerves due to tension, some days its not there at all, other days its there all day, assumedly because im in a panicky state.

been told a massage might help though

14-10-12, 17:18
Outside my vision I can only see it in light and its tiny, just anoying really

14-10-12, 17:23
I have a busy week planned so hopefully my symptoms will be less, they are always there, just sometimes less noticable. still live in hope Ill wake up one day and feel normal again. if this is just my inner ear it has a lot to answer to

14-10-12, 17:26
This is what makes me feel worse, the fact that no matter what I have planned, no matter how much fun I have the thoughts and worries are always there waiting for me

14-10-12, 17:30
I know, but hey, they are less while you are busy, so take each day as it comes and hopefully, slowly things will improve.

14-10-12, 17:31
It always makes me feel better to talk about it sometimes it makes me realise how silly i'm being, sundays nearly over soon Ill have 6 busy days

14-10-12, 17:36
if your grandad has a tumour (so sorry to hear that, 18 years is a long time to have one) /at least you have the reassurance that you are fine cos if he was worried, you should worry. My family know im a worrier and cant understand my thoughts or feelings towards my health or why i auume the worst. I live with the idea that im not gonna see my small daughter grow up and that scares me, it terrifies me

14-10-12, 17:39
My dad has health anxiety he thinks i'm being silly, symptoms my grandad told me about were, severe headaches at least every other day, going blind for random periods of time, extreme dizzyness, trouble speaking and un co-ordination, not to mention memory loss.

Sorry by the way, it's your post and you seem to be reassuring me haha

15-10-12, 00:35
Thats fine, I think it helps to reassure each other. I have none of those symptoms , well a few headaches but not bad or anything and felt more like tension, only once or twice a month.