View Full Version : 9 weeks on cit, how can I shift the remaining anxiety?

13-10-12, 17:50
I've been on citalopram 10mg for 9 weeks now. I feel a lot better than I did before I started - I hardly ever feel down or depressed nowadays, and my anxiety is a lot better too.

However there are still times when I do feel a bit anxious, and it's often for no particular reason - I can't work out why it's happening. Thankfully it doesn't happen too often, (not more than once a day) and it usually passes within about an hour or so. It is like low-level anxiety.

For example, this afternoon when I was sitting down in the lounge, I felt a bit jittery. There is no reason for that - I don't have to work at the weekend, I don't have to go anywhere or do anything that would cause me to worry. I could see my hand shaking a bit more than usual, for no particular reason. I had a feeling that I couldn't relax fully, even though I had nothing to worry about.

I know I can't expect to be 100% relaxed all the time, but is it normal to have these anxious feelings from time to time, even if there's no reason for them? Is there anything else I could do to reduce them?

Every week at my CBT Stress Control classes I have to fill in a questionnaire with the depression scale and general anxiety scale. My score on the depression scale usually ranges between 2 and 4 (whereas it was 12 before I started cit). My anxiety score ranges between 3 and 5 (before cit it was 17). However hard I try, I just can't seem to get my anxiety score to go below 3.

Am I expecting too much, or is there anything I can do to reduce the anxiety further? I'm already doing things like listening to relaxation MP3s, exercise, using lavender oil, Rescue Remedy and so on in addition to my CBT.

13-10-12, 18:32
Hi Sparkle,

I completely know what you mean. Have only been back on the Cit for two weeks now and although the depression and anxiety have almost completely shifted, there is still an undercurrent of sadness, especially when I'm on my own, and the low level anxiety you describe is still there. I find I wake up having had very 'busy' dreams still, I go through entire selling processes with customers in my head and wake up worrying because I didn't finish serving them in the dream. I also can't quite relax fully - I know because I hold my tension in my shoulders and they are still going very stiff overnight.

Sorry that I don't have any answers for you but I know mine got better in time with my counselling last time, and I haven't been able to see my counsellor for the past two weeks due to both of us having other committments.

I hope it helps to know you aren't alone, and also let's hope we will both be fully better in time.

Well done on coming this far.

Danny xxx

13-10-12, 18:41
Hi there
I been on meds total eight months was on citalopram for 4 months and always had underlying anxiety and fear at times for no reason. I'm now on sertraline and only just having periods of complete normality, I think this is the longest part of recovery.

Hang in there As 10mg very low dose and sounds like you doing well as ten did nothing for me x

14-10-12, 14:31
Thanks for your answers. I just wonder what this low-level anxiety is - I wonder if it could be mini panic attacks or something. As I said, the feeling seems to come and go for no particular reason. Is it the cit causing it, or is it my own anxiety?
Anyway I've got a doctor's appointment in a couple of weeks time, I think I'll mention it then.