View Full Version : How do you stay calm in busy bars at weekends?

13-10-12, 22:16
I've not been out in ages n I feel terriable as that's what my friends do on the weekend.
I'd like to maybe go out on halloween n New Years but everything about it sets off my anxiety n I'm worried I won't have friends left soon!

For me it's feeling trapped,clustrophobic, the noise, stupid drunk people.
I find I just feel rather overwhelmed, I try to focus on conversations and stuff but I keep feeling jumpy and unnerved!

I can't explain it just everything seems to scare me even though it shouldn't.

14-10-12, 14:05
i know how u feel i feel the same i got a birthday coming up tomorrow and i.m dreading going feel scared and anxious just thinking about it but i dont want to let my sister down so i go when i go out i tend to pick corner tables so try that hope u find that useful might make u feel abit more calmer when your out have u told your friends about your anxiety and how it make u feel but u should go even if it just for an hour or two u never know u might even enjoy it go and let us know how u get on :)

14-10-12, 15:03
I feel exactly the same. I went to the Leeds meet-up last weekend. When I walked in to the bar I was extremely overwhelmed by the noise & amount of people in there. I also get the trapped/claustrophobic/paranoid feeling and it doesn't go away. Fortunately we sat outside. I really enjoyed myself even though my anxiety was at peak level all the time I was there. Managed 4 hours, which surprised me. What a relief though when I left for my journey home. Mine is Social Anxiety and it really bug's me as I love having conversation's with anybody about anything.:blush:

14-10-12, 17:20
Hi Anxious gal,

I know exactly what you mean. I went to the Leeds meet (like Bobby Dog) and the place was absolutely heaving, I nearly turned back and went home. I didn't though and managed to enjoy myself in the end.

Given your anxieties, don't you think it might be better to try and go out with your friends at a quieter time at first if possible? Then you could build up to other times when everyone else is out and there are loads of drunks around. The distractions may be fewer when it's quiet and you may even enjoy it. This might enable you to keep in touch with your friends without so much stress. You could then tackle tougher situations when you're more confident.
