View Full Version : liver function test

14-10-12, 08:40
Bit embarrassed about how many times I am posting at moment, but seriously struggling and missed my CBT phone assessment as there was a mix up with the times. My health worries change almost on a daily basis, but I am still worried about liver/ stomach issues. My question is ( not asking for medical advice) if there was something seriously wrong with your liver, would your Liver function tests show it. I have had them taken 4 times since June and have always come back fine. But I still have symptoms of liver trouble (pain in that area )and I read that if you had something like liver cancer your LFT results would be NORMAL! Also had them checked in A and E 2 weeks ago and they said they were o.k. I can't ask people around me at the moment as they are sick and tired of all this! Thank you

14-10-12, 09:47
I am sure the tests would have shown so I don't think you have anything to worry about, the doctor would have done further tests if he though it was necessary.

14-10-12, 09:55
Thank you Annie.:hugs: I am just having trouble believing GP at moment, I want to but think I am going to be one of those people who is misdiagnosed and then it will be too late. It's so hard sometimes.