View Full Version : Have I solved my anxiety?

14-10-12, 08:42
I have suffered bouts of anxiety since 2007 but never knew what was the cause. It first started at work when I was on a 12-8 shift sitting in front of a computer, a manager came to say goodbye to me and when I shifted my gaze from the computer to her everything went dizzy and didnt look normal....this caused a panic attack.

Well since 2007 I have had numerous bouts and some causing time off work where I didnt even dare leave the house, but I have also had periods where I was playing football for a team and going gym regularly.

This year started well before becoming difficult and I was suffering greatly with my anxiety.

Cue two weeks ago when I went to the opticians and was told I need to constantly wear glasses because my right eye has very poor eyesight compared to the left. The optician asked questions about my health and I explained, she said she thinks this is because my brain is getting mixed signals from my eyes because of the differing levels of eyesight...her example is wearing a glass bottle over one eye and the other okay will confuse the brain and this is whats been happening to me and that my brain may be acutely aware of the inbalance. Interestingly I was having an anxiety bout at the time.

I took the opticians advise and have not took my new glasses off except for short periods and to go to sleep. Guess what? My health feels the best it has since 2007, it took 48 hours or so but since then I feel like I have more energy, I dont feel nervous or anxious about anything.... could this be the reason? Hopefully I have found the answer to my problems!

14-10-12, 09:40
It is possible. My eyesight has deteriorated over the past couple of years. Also, due to the medication I am taking I have constant blurred vision, I am going to have to wear glasses full time as you do. I can cope with the blurred vision when at home but not when I am outside my 4 walls, my comfort zone, especially if I have to talk to someone, the blurred vision causes me to have panic attacks. So with me it is a contributory factor but not the root cause.

14-10-12, 13:30
It is possible. My eyesight has deteriorated over the past couple of years. Also, due to the medication I am taking I have constant blurred vision, I am going to have to wear glasses full time as you do. I can cope with the blurred vision when at home but not when I am outside my 4 walls, my comfort zone, especially if I have to talk to someone, the blurred vision causes me to have panic attacks. So with me it is a contributory factor but not the root cause.

Hi Bobby,

Im not sure if mine is contributory or not. Before wearing glasses full time I would get blurred and double vision, dizziness and shortness of breath....made worse when in certain social situations. I found that after long periods in front of the computer it was at its worst. My prescription is 1.0 on the left and 4.25 on the right...which caused the imbalance the Optician mentioned...what I have noted more so than the eye sight correction is that Im not getting tired, not getting headaches, not feeling nervous at all (I even managed a presentation in front of my colleagues as work - the worst evil anyone could ever ask me to do) and hopefully this will stay the same.

My eyes might not be the root cause, but if it keeps the anxiety at bay most of the time then I am a happy man...I have always suffered in silence with my anxiety as Doctors seemed to not want to listen and my wife gets very worried....now Im feeling alive and not alone as the tension and anxiety is not there at the mo.

14-10-12, 14:20
Wow this sounds very interesting. I also have poor vision in my right eye with near normal vision in my left. Noticing my bad eyesight and my anxiety do seem to have come around the same time. I have got some glasses to wear but never use them but this sounds very interesting and i am going to start wearing them, im going to order myself some contact lenses aswell. Its definitely worth a try anyway.

Thanks for a great post.

14-10-12, 14:56
Hi Bobby,

Im not sure if mine is contributory or not. Before wearing glasses full time I would get blurred and double vision, dizziness and shortness of breath....made worse when in certain social situations. I found that after long periods in front of the computer it was at its worst. My prescription is 1.0 on the left and 4.25 on the right...which caused the imbalance the Optician mentioned...what I have noted more so than the eye sight correction is that Im not getting tired, not getting headaches, not feeling nervous at all (I even managed a presentation in front of my colleagues as work - the worst evil anyone could ever ask me to do) and hopefully this will stay the same.

My eyes might not be the root cause, but if it keeps the anxiety at bay most of the time then I am a happy man...I have always suffered in silence with my anxiety as Doctors seemed to not want to listen and my wife gets very worried....now Im feeling alive and not alone as the tension and anxiety is not there at the mo.

I also have one eye that is deteriorating much quicker than the other, can't remember which way around though.

14-10-12, 18:01
Wow this sounds very interesting. I also have poor vision in my right eye with near normal vision in my left. Noticing my bad eyesight and my anxiety do seem to have come around the same time. I have got some glasses to wear but never use them but this sounds very interesting and i am going to start wearing them, im going to order myself some contact lenses aswell. Its definitely worth a try anyway.

Thanks for a great post.

I hope you have the same impact with your glasses as I have, I would love to hear how you get on! I cant believe how great I feel given the last 5 years have been a nightmare!

14-10-12, 19:19
I hope you have the same impact with your glasses as I have, I would love to hear how you get on! I cant believe how great I feel given the last 5 years have been a nightmare!

Hope to get them this week and waiting for that Eureka moment!:D

14-10-12, 19:38
I hope you have the same impact with your glasses as I have, I would love to hear how you get on! I cant believe how great I feel given the last 5 years have been a nightmare!

I will let you know how it goes.