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14-10-12, 11:10
:)Hi, I am Angelica and I suffer from anxiety and thought I would join this forum so we can help each other.... I have learned to manage it most of the time with natural therapy's...

14-10-12, 11:22
Hi Angelica

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

14-10-12, 12:34
:welcome: Angelica to nmp xxxxxxxxxx

14-10-12, 12:42
Hi :welcome:

14-10-12, 14:21
Welcome to the forums! :) I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and advice here. Which natural remedies have you tried?

14-10-12, 23:51
Thankyou everyone, :) nice to be here, I have tried all different methods through out the years some helped some didn't... I think this all started when I had breast cysts and started freaking out thinking it was something worse and then developed health anxiety about everything.... When I was going through this years ago I went to the doctor and had all blood tests, scans, specialists and was told nothing was wrong, still had alot of symptoms, aches and pains, dizziness, heart palps, feeling sick after eating, always feeling unwell, my doc wanted to give me meds, but I did not want them, they were my last resort, so I went to a natropath she gave me herbs and talked me through it so she was like a councelor as well... I also changed my diet, cut out caffiene, became almost vegetarian.. all helped... but I still go backwards when certain things happen in my life...My anxiety gets so bad I wont even leave the house, always think something bad is going to happen..

Just a few months ago my anxiety came back again with heartpalps,dizzeness, shakiness, body tremors, fear, panic, etc.. went to the doc got checked out all ok.

So I was researching on youtube and found a few therapy's that helped, one being EFT its a tapping therapy on pressure points on the body and saying affirmations, it sounds silly but it really helps, meditation, yoga, and changing the diet and taking certain vitamins, like magnesium, vit d, ACV,... I guess it up to the individual everyone is different....

I hope we can help each other...