View Full Version : Whats been helping me (cheesy story, beware)

14-10-12, 12:39
So when I first got anxiety I was looking for something to get me out of the house on a daily basis. At that point I couldn't really deal with people. I ended up volunteering as dog walker at the local shelter and that's when I met a very special canine (told you it was a cheesy story).

As I have a lot of experience with dogs I was asked to walk a difficult dog with behavioural problems. The dog was really only a pup, 6 months old, and was suffering extreme stress and anxiety (fear biting, back-flips in his kennel ect). It was so bad he had to be put away from the public and no-one wanted to re-home him.

Anyway, I really felt a bond with this dog, probably because we're both mad with stress. I've been walking him on a daily basis now for over a month and the improvement is massive. No more chasing cyclists, knocking people over, joining in football matches without being invited :D. Best of all he has settled down in his kennel and is much quieter and calmer.

These days where I feel pretty useless and don't accomplish anything of note I really feel this has been a big achievement for me. I feel so happy that I've been able to help this dog get rid of his anxiety and now people are taking an interest in him - so fingers crossed he'll have a family before xmas! And he's helped me in return, our daily walks have been a Godsend to me by getting me out of the house. I've been to green places I never would have bothered going before and have been getting to know the local dog walkers, so it's even helped my social anxiety a wee bit too.

Sorry for long post! x

14-10-12, 12:41
Aww Lissa what a lovely story, thank you for sharing it and a big well done to you :)

14-10-12, 13:19
Thats a lovely story Lisa! I'm a big dog person so its great to hear success stories like that for the dogs sake as well as yours! Fingers crossed for a new home for him! Are you not in a position to take him?
Keep going with it :)

Jenni xx

14-10-12, 14:50
It's not cheesy at all :D Always great for living beings to help each other.

14-10-12, 14:56
I found this story really moving. Not cheesy at all. Anyone who is dog or animal mad will understand and I think it's lovely how you have helped each other!! xx

14-10-12, 15:11
What a wonderful moving story. I have 3 dog's and love them to bit's. The Greyhound has serious psychological problem's and she is nearly 10 now, she was a rescue at 6 month's old.
My other two I have had from pup's.

I am so pleased that it help's you with your Social Anxiety, I know where you are coming from as I have it too and it's a real pain in the bum.

14-10-12, 16:19
Thanks everyone. Sometimes I feel like life is passing me by right now so it's nice to know that these few months haven't been a complete waste. I'd love to take him home but my finances have gotton so bad with not being able to work that I need a full-time wage coming in after xmas, regardless of how I'm feeling :( maybe I'll rescue one of the hamsters :) x

14-10-12, 16:24
What a lovely story, well done Lissa, I do hope the dog finds a home soon thanks to you xx

14-10-12, 16:52
that's a lovely story, not cheesy at all! i'm glad that you could both help each other :)

14-10-12, 18:15
What a lovely story! Our relationship with animals can bring so much to our lives. I'm so glad that you had this time together and helped each other :D

14-10-12, 18:21
Thanks for sharing, really is a lovely story. My dog helped me with my anxiety too, I don't know what I'd do without her! x

14-10-12, 23:07
What a beautiful story, You both helped each other, I love animals they are amazing creatures. I have a dog and he is my best friend.... Im glad you are feeling alot better within yourself... Its good to get out there... :)