View Full Version : I did it!! Date and panic free!!

14-10-12, 14:06
So I did guys!! I went on my date! It lasted about 3 hours and that is the longest I have been able to stay around anyone for the past 8 weeks without feeling panicky! He was lovely and I had a lovely time! Can't believe it went so well! I had this strange sense of calm before the date. I remember thinking "nothing is as scary as the sensations and things I have had to face these past 8 weeks with anxiety so I can do this" and it was fun! It has even had a knock on effect for today. Ok so I am still abit anxious but I went to my sisters for a good 2 hours odd this morning and had a cup of chamomile and a chat/knitted together lol. I feel so positive! I was in bed and lights out at 9 oclock last night...It was an exhausting day!!!

14-10-12, 14:09
:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yesyes::yesyes: So pleased for you, I feel really excited myself now that you have done so well! :D

14-10-12, 14:13
wow thats great news well done hun :)

14-10-12, 14:14
I am still in a kind of shock that I did it. I have been in my own little bubble for 2 months now and really had my dark days that I saw no way out. The first of the good days started because I went to bed so down...the day that we both woke really badly...That day I thought "enough is enough" I vowed that I would wake the following day and regardless of how I was feeling..I would ignore it and continue as if it wasn't there. Of course the next day...I went for my walk...I have slowly started feeling more and more comfortable being out and about. I can feel my levels reducing. Now I don't want to count my chickens too soon but I am feeling the best I have felt since this all began!!! You did it with the meal too! We are getting there Annie!!!!! xx

14-10-12, 14:23
Oh that day was awful Lu...I felt like I would never be able to feel well again. I surprised myself yesterday and it sounds like we both had a good day :) okay then..so now I want to hear about the date! ..where did you go? He sounds such a nice man x

14-10-12, 14:26
well done you xxxxxxxxxxxx:yahoo:

14-10-12, 14:28
Well done! :) I'm glad it went well for you.

I haven't been on a date for years, I feel happy being single right now.

14-10-12, 14:45
Thanks everyone!! Well...He was the same as me and didn't want to do anything too "datey" because it makes the situation abit on the cheesy side lol. So we went to this place that overloks the severn river and bridges and then realised that it was the perfect date scenario lol. So we literally just chatted for hours...I felt really comfortable with him and I did get a few moments where I was thinking "why have I not had a panic attack yet etc" and I could feel the doomy feeling that I get a few times but I just changed my thoughts immediately. I had no choice not to at that point lol. I think we are seeing each other again tonight!! xx

14-10-12, 14:50
Very well done, there is hope for all of us who are single!

14-10-12, 14:53
Well that's the thing. It proves how powerful the mind is..this time a week ago I was too scared to get up and pee!! So even if you feel miles from doing anything normal. It really can be just around the corner. I am very tired today though!!

14-10-12, 14:55
Thanks everyone!! Well...He was the same as me and didn't want to do anything too "datey" because it makes the situation abit on the cheesy side lol. So we went to this place that overloks the severn river and bridges and then realised that it was the perfect date scenario lol. So we literally just chatted for hours...I felt really comfortable with him and I did get a few moments where I was thinking "why have I not had a panic attack yet etc" and I could feel the doomy feeling that I get a few times but I just changed my thoughts immediately. I had no choice not to at that point lol. I think we are seeing each other again tonight!! xx

Really pleased and that sounds a lovely place for a first date :) x

14-10-12, 15:38
Woohoo! Well done Loopy chuffed to bits for you :) x

14-10-12, 15:38
Well done Lu, you're a star!! :D :yesyes: :yahoo:

I'm really looking forward to this week as I've been feeling steadily better, so thought I would try to stretch myself a bit further, and now that you and Annie have had such positive days out I feel really up for it! :)

14-10-12, 16:56
that's really good Lu, glad you had a good time and he sounds lovely too :D

14-10-12, 18:06
So happy for you! Well done and great attitude :yesyes:

14-10-12, 18:12
Well done! :yesyes: I'm so pleased you had such a lovely time and your confidence is growing. Wishing you continued success in your progress and every happiness in your new found confidence and relationship :hugs:

14-10-12, 18:13
Well done! Really happy for you, you've had a tough time of it lately. :) x

14-10-12, 21:31
well done :)

14-10-12, 21:55
This is a great post lu, well done Hun, he sounds lovely. Xx

14-10-12, 22:13
Loopy!!!!Bravo girl!!!I am so happy for you...Well for me romance and love can cure everything in our lives,so kick your panics away with that!
I ve always had love as a guide to my life!!@
I am feeling much better as well.Went to a big fest yesterday with friends and family.There were more than 1000 people there,not a single panic attack though.
Today I went and started some traditional greek dances and although I did not had a single panic attack I managed to stay there for 4 hours.But my main prob is that I am sweating like a pig.Seriously!All my life I could barely sweat even was doing capoeira,and now with dances and yoga,sweat is pouring of my face which makes me feel kind of uncomfortable.But,the main thing is that I started to take care of myself and I started to accept myself and stop being shy.My friends who saw me yesterday,were so happy for me and told me that they had almost a year to see me smiling like that!!!I guess depression was there along time before my panic attacks.
Plus,I am going to be an aunt!!!My sis is pregnant and I am definitely not planning to be an aunt with panic attacks!That Lilseed (that's how I call the baby atm),my friends and family give me hope,to try and get better!!!
I started going to work as well,well my best friend drives me there,but we work together so that's a beggining of something.So far,no panic attacks at all.
For the past 2 days I've lowered my Xanax doses by half,so far so good.
Loopy I don't know if I will ever be able to visit England,as my boyfriend moves there on Thursday,but if you are willing to visit Greece in the future you are so welcome,cause you and Serenitie gave me hope that there are bright days to come.:hugs:

15-10-12, 12:11
Awww what lovely replies! I am still panic attack free! It is very strange (in a good way) because it feels like something has shifted in me and I am in a different stage. I seem to of kicked the dooms butt! I still feel spaced out...but my anxiety is alot lower. I think the higher dose of cit as played a huge role in that for me! I still feel slightly apathetic but I think that is lack of anything to do. When I get up and distract it really does the trick! Before I was unable to do that as I was SO dizzy and anxious. I struggled to stand and wait for toast and at my worst I would run to the breadbin...grab a few slices of raw bread and just eat it for energy. I really couldn't do a thing but just lie there. I couldn't even focus on dvds or books. ANYTHING. It was really that overwhelming. I really feel like things are moving on. I want to have a good few panic free weeks before I know I am getting well into the clear. So I have gone about 6 days now. Something just snapped and I just went out there feeling as bad as ever but use the attitude of "fake it until you make it" and it seems to be doing the trick!! I would also suggest knitting to distract. It really has helped me and I know alot of others (Elle-Kay who gave me the idea orginally xx thank you) that are doing it also! I think finding a hobby or interest is great. I am finally seeing the light!!!!! I am so glad that there are so many others that have achieved so much recently too!! Some exciting times ahead everyone!!! xxx

15-10-12, 12:16
So pleased you are feeling better :yahoo: I woke up feeling a bit anxious this morning but have kept myself busy and feel okay. My counsellor called this morning to cancel my appointment as she is not well but I have been fine about that and she is calling back to arrange another appointment. :) x

15-10-12, 13:22
Well as long as you are still feeling a lower level of anxiety. How is your foot today? xx

15-10-12, 14:11
So glad you're feeling good and above all, optimistic Lu! :D I also feel pretty good today, so spent an hour or so just sitting in a local cafe drinking chamomile tea & reading my book with the world going by this morning after I popped to the post office & chemist. I was anxious at first when they brought my tea, but enjoyed myself after a while so meandered the long way home for a walk in the sunshine :)

p.s. I've progressed onto a cabled pouch (possibly a phone sock) in my knitting adventures now! lol

15-10-12, 14:48
Well as long as you are still feeling a lower level of anxiety. How is your foot today? xx

Foot is getting better every day and I am managing to hobble about more :)