View Full Version : If it aint broke - dont fix it.. Thoughts pls

14-10-12, 15:27
I am happily settled now after a horrid 12 - 18 months of many ups and downs, meds changes, blips etc for GAD.

I have been on 10mgs of Cipralex for nearly 2 years and am now at a very happy and manageable stage of my life. I have had both councelling and CBT, both of which have been a great help and helped me get to this point.

Thing is, in January I have a medication review with my docs. I am pretty sure that they are going to suggest i try to start tapering off. I DO NOT WANT TO DO THIS. I am happy, settled, with only minor bouts of anxiety. I do not want to rock the boat and undo all the hard work it has taken for me to get to this point.

I have heard so many horror stories of people trying to come off, no matter how slowly.

Can my docs make me do this? why can't they just leave me be!

Any thoughts would be welcomed :D


14-10-12, 20:47
Hi smb25

Firstly can I ask why u think your gp is going to taper you off your meds, if u do not want to.

A med review is something that happens at least once a year, they have to do this inline with the NICE guidelines.

If you dont want to come off them or taper down then say so.

I often ask myself, as I have got a med review on a couple of months .... Im I happier with my meds being at a stable level or am I happier in general !!!

Only you can answer this question and only you will have the answer.

Dont do anything you do not want to do.


14-10-12, 21:42

My thoughts on this are if you dont feel ready to come off it then you shouldnt have to ^^

14-10-12, 23:16
Hey smb25,
Meds always can help us to overcome some situations...Believe it or not,it's not only the meds that help,most of it it's you and the changes you've made so far in your way of thinking the past two years.
If you don't want to stop them,it's your decision. But if you believe that by tapering them down,before even trying,that's not helping your anxiety at all.You have to believe in yourself,you have made it so far!!the meds where just a bridge to help you get to the other side.
But you could always give it a try,even by trying I don't think you will hit rock bottom again.

14-10-12, 23:31
You need to be stable for a good few months before coming off meds. But you've done a lot of work in CBT and counselling, and they should have taught you coping skills you can continue to use. If you do relapse after coming off medication, they should be able to put you back on it pretty quickly and get you stable again.

They should listen to your opinion. You are not 100% cured and are still having bouts of anxiety. Stability is important and you feel it is the medication that is helping you remain stable. You have a right to state your case, write it down if it helps you explain more clearly and remember all the points you want to make.

15-10-12, 08:50
Sometimes a medication review is just that - a review, to see if you are doing OK on the medication you are taking and not to stop you from using the medication that is helping you with your anxiety symptom's.
If you make your doctor aware that you fear your problem's returning if you stop taking AD's, it is unlikely he/she will stop your medication.
I have had many review's over the years and it has never been suggested that I stop taking my medication.

15-10-12, 09:20
The title says is all
'If it ain't broken - don't fix it'
Your happy, your stable and you've had talking therapies - stick with what you know.
Don't be pressurised into changing
Some GP's are just more conscientious than others - that can be a good thing - I was on Prozac for 7 years without anyone ever seeing or questioning me about it - repeat prescriptions every 2 months!

15-10-12, 16:50
Thank you everyone. I will wait and see what the doctor says.

I'm just not ready to come off them x


15-10-12, 17:37
Don't come off them if you feel you don't want to. No way hozay.