View Full Version : How much anxiety can a person take

14-10-12, 17:06
Just about at the end of my tether with this severe anxiety. Day after day its there. I know and accept that it is anxiety, not asking much, just for one day without this horrible feelings but it never happens.

14-10-12, 17:12
That's exactly what I was saying the other day.. just one day!! and low and behold I had two days where I didn't feel no where near as bad. Back to rubbish today but I think that could be down to lack of sleep.

Are you on any tablets for it Knotman? if so, which one's, what dose and for how long because of course they tend you make you feel worse before better x

14-10-12, 21:04
Hi, Been on 200mg sertralene for years now. Doctor has suggested i take Mirtrazapine as a top up, but not really keen on that, they dont seem to agree with everyone.

14-10-12, 22:20
If you have been taking it for years you may need a change, I think it's stops working so well once you have been on it a long time x

14-10-12, 23:32
So it's not a start up thing then... I would say, go back to your docs again.

I am wondering if you are in a stressful situation at the moment so it could possibly be just a blip. Either way, a small prescription of Diazepam or such like would help until things calm down agan. I don't know anything about the other tablet you mentioned. I am also on Lustral but I would definately ask them to review you again.

Good luck and let us know how you get on x

15-10-12, 03:12
Hey I was just saying to my mom that I wished I could have one day with no symptoms. No such luck for me either :mad: For me its mostly chest pain/ heaviness and the feeling I am going to drop dead at any moment when it comes on. Have it right now including leg pain/numbness :lac:

15-10-12, 17:11
Hun , if I were you I would see a counselor that cam give you CBT, it's brilliant, it will teach you all sorts of things from dealing with anxiety to dealing with negativity - why sit and mope about it ? Think of the positives!!!!! Already I can see two positives from you -

1. You ACCEPT you have anxiety - this is HUGE, not many people can accept and understand their anxiety

2. Anxiety to me means I am creative - You have anxiety , YOU are creative - the fact that your mind can think of what it does is amazing! Think how good it could be if you could turn the amount of negative energy into positive

You'll get there! Just gotta keep fighting and keep believe

in life, problems are called hurdles for a reason - you can ALWAYS get over them!