View Full Version : ears ringing?

14-10-12, 18:17
Is ringing in the ears common? Is it something I should be concerned about? Guess that is a question for a doctor and I will ask when I go back in a couple weeks but just wondering in the interim.

I honestly think I probably have always had it but just noticed it once and now am obsessing. I notice it when I lie down at night to go to sleep and it's quiet ... usually the right ear is louder than the left but if I pay attention I can hear it in both. The problem is once I notice it I can't stop paying attention to it.

I started focusing on it because I went to the chiropractor about my neck and he asked if I had ringing in the ears at that time and I said no, because I had not noticed anything really... but after that I started noticing it. It must be psychological ...

---------- Post added at 13:17 ---------- Previous post was at 13:17 ----------

Just to add I don't notice it at all during the day, just when I lay down to go to bed

14-10-12, 18:22
I am the same! It gets worse the more anxious I get. I told my doctor and he checked my ears they are fine but he said it is anxiety related and I notice it more when I am trying to sleep. I have a clock with sounds on so I switch the raindrop sounds on when I am sleeping so I don't hear the noise in my ear. I would say mine is more of a heart beat, pulsating sound and worse in my right ear. The doctor said it is something to do with an artery going past there and when anxious more blood will rush through but it is harmless.

14-10-12, 18:25
I do get a heart beat/pulse sound once in a while too. That makes sense. I have tried turning a fan on for some white noise, but hasn't helped much. Maybe I will try the sounds, I know there is an app for the iphone that has those. Thanks for your suggestion :)

14-10-12, 18:29
It can be so annoying but the relaxing sounds on my clock really do help me to ignore it and I get to sleep easier. :)