View Full Version : Really fed up with these head and chest symptoms

14-10-12, 18:17
Hi guys

I have had a pain in my head pretty much the whole time for 1 year now. Some days its not too bad and the odd day it goes but its there most of the time. Its like a sharp pain above the ear that Id try to ignore but somethimes it expands to larger part of the right side and towards the back and I take meds when this happens as its too much. I have had a CT scan and all clear. Really dont know what to do now. When its bad I do get very nauseated but no other symptoms with it really. I can't understand how a head pain can go on this long.

I also have issues with the left side of my chest and rib area. This is going on about 4 months now. It is like a crackiling, vibrating, burning feeling and I sometimes get palpitations too. Have seen a cardiologist and given the all clear and I also got the all clear in chest xray.

Anyone have any ideas as to what could be wrong with me. I'm worried I have something serious wrong with me.

Thanks for reading and any advice would be appreciated x

14-10-12, 22:20
Hi Polly, definitely does sound like bad anxiety if youve had the tests and everything shows your clear. I'm currently waiting CT scan results as i suffer with my sinuses and get a lot of random pains/headaches which i thought could be more serious. Have you had your sinuses/allergies checked? It could even be a trapped nerve? Sometimes bad headaches can make me feel sick aswell.
I'm also having bad chest pains at the moment but i sort of scared myself into having them after reading news stories. I get the burning feeling along with palpatations. I also feel like somethings stuck under the left side of my rib at the bottom, sort of like the bottom of my rib is sticking into me? Even though i know its not.

I wouldnt worry too much but its good youve had the tests and its all turned out fine. Most likely anxiety but maybe go to your doctor and check if it gets any worse?

14-10-12, 22:22
It could be neuralgia? X

15-10-12, 01:12
I have had a stiff neck and have random pains or heat in the left side of my head mostly in the same spot. I was told it was anxiety related and I must say, sometimes mine feels like neuralgia but its not so painful. It could be a trapped nerve in your neck or shoulder...have you tried heat across your neck via a wheatbag?

15-10-12, 08:03
Ella, your pains (especially the sinuses and crackling sounds in chest) are so similar to what Im experiencing at the moment! Its horrible and making me really anxious. I practically am seeing the dr every day at the moment and feel like an idiot!

Charlotte x