View Full Version : a few better days, now stressing!

14-10-12, 18:17
The last few days I have been coping really well, managing to rationalise most little niggles which I have felt, but today I am quite anxious again and just need q bit of advice or reassurance!
I had a cold which cleared up last week but I still have a slightly niggly cough which swiches between throaty and chesty, and I have quite a thick phlegm from time to time. This does not wrry me too much if I am honest as I know it is probably just part of the cold.
What is worrying me is that the glands under my chin are quite firm and don't seem to move, they are not painful but the whole area between my jaw, neck, shoulder, and around my collarbone feels tense/pressured and a bit stiffness.
Does anyone have any nformation about how long I should leave the swollen glands before seeing my gp? I know it is probably because of my cold, but would the stiffness in my shoulder/neck/jaw/collarbone area be caused by swollen glands?
I have hat the same feeling in several areas in my body and I am just beginning to worry that I am attributing my symptoms to health anxiety when in actual fact I am ill!

14-10-12, 22:50
Now I have developed a wee bit of a cough =[ I know I sound stupid but I just can't shake this feeling of worry off!

15-10-12, 01:02

Listen , the fact that you are getting over a cold would definitely explain the swollen glands. it might takee a few days to go down. If you still feel worried by this time next week (roughly, its up to you) then just for your own peace of mind go talk to your dr.

Honestly though, so many people around have got colds at the moment, it really just sounds like a cold

try to relax and take your mind off of your worries. A good idea is to set certain times in the day where you let yourself worry, say for an hour or so. The only rule being that for the rest of the day you don't -allow- yourself to worry. I find it helps me a bit

Oh and stiff neck etc can be explained by tension from anxiety or the after effects of the cold you are recovering from

15-10-12, 10:15
Thanks for the reply. The glands have been swollen for two and a half weeks now (a few days before the cold, the four days that I had the cold, and the week since the cold has got better) but my neck feels as though there is pressure in it and the tendons feel strained. I don't know if it is anxiety, the glands, or just because I am sleeping on it funny.
The plan abut waiting for a week sounds good, might go see my gp on Friday if it is no better as i am off work this week.

I like the idea about allowing 1 hour to worry a day. I am going to try that!
Thanks for the reply.

15-10-12, 10:54
Do you have one of those wheat bags that you put in the microwave? It may help if you put that round your neck for a while to see if it eases it. Hope you get well soon.

15-10-12, 11:15
That is a really good idea with the wheat bag! I have always got sore necks when I am unwell so I really shouldn't worry too much about this! I have now developed a drycpugh coming from my throat which is stressing me out =[