View Full Version : day 2

14-10-12, 20:10
hi im in day 2 of my new meds sertreline50mg and still anxious and panicky and on edge the nite time is still worse 4 me

14-10-12, 20:16
its early days stick with it, I no what you mean about night time I always feel worse to xxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

14-10-12, 20:54
hi need to give meds more time but hang in there it will get better i know i have been there i always thought i would not get better but i have with the help of meds and talking to friends

14-10-12, 21:51
I am 2 weeks into mine and I feel so much better, give it another few days and hopefully you will start to find the anxiety lessen x

14-10-12, 22:10
Give it time. Even when you're given antibiotics you have to take a course for at least 7 days before you can expect them to do their job :)