View Full Version : Panic!!!!

15-10-12, 02:07
Hi all
This has happened a few times and is so frightening, just sitting watching tv calm and out of no where the panic and shaking comes and took my heart rate and it was 103 beats did deep breathing and after 10 minutes heart rate down to 71 beats, still feeling a little wobbly and head a bit foggy:wacko:
Could this be a burst of adrenalin this also happens when falling asleep and is really scarey...... does anyone else ever experience this or know why it can happen.

15-10-12, 02:15
Sorry! I don't really have any answers... I get the same thing. It can also come if I've tried to get some housework done and be slightly productive and start to feel slightly less of a failure and suddenly I find myself having to just sit and do nothing other than panic. I hope there are some answers!

---------- Post added at 01:15 ---------- Previous post was at 01:12 ----------

p.s. When this has happened I find it helps to get a drink and something to eat

15-10-12, 02:57
Yes it's very random!
Sucks when there seems no logic to it!!
PMS is definitely a trigger, as well caffeine but sometimes it's as if your body decided you were too relaxed so decides to hit you with some anxiety!

15-10-12, 11:30
Started happening to me a few weeks ago. I think it's a little snippet of a nasty thought that just creeps into your mind, then buggers off, but leaves a small residue. I end up taking deep breaths, drinking some camomile tea and singing...badly...it goes. Also tell your thoughts to take a hike. I've done this and that seems to help, it also makes me think I'm Smeagol, so I end up laughing at myself.

Hope that helps a little Manda

16-10-12, 14:12
Yes I know exactly what your talking about!!! It can come for no reason. It's like a big adrenaline kick that gets out of control with shaking and trouble breathing for me and can take about 30 minutes to subside.

16-10-12, 20:08
Totally understand those feelings. So often I try and settle down to watch some tele after having a good day, then I get those anxious thoughts and I have to get back up and get busy. It's exhausting!! X

16-10-12, 21:03
Hi all
Thank you for all your replays
I still find it so frightening and sometimes I have to take a 2 mg Valium to help, this rarely happens because do not like taking them after my mother was addicted to them for 30 years.....abdominal breathing helps also, but it happens so quick and out of the blue that also frightens me
Wonder what causes this adrenaline to just happen when not even doing anything at the time that would cause it
Manda xx

19-10-12, 06:25
Have you had your hormones checked at all? This is something that often gets overlooked, and is a cause of depression and anxiety.

19-10-12, 19:27
Have you had your hormones checked at all? This is something that often gets overlooked, and is a cause of depression and anxiety.
what kind of hormonal imbalance could cause this?

I get it a lot too. it is the worst. especially when you feel relaxed and like you are having a nice time, and BOOM! :ohmy:

19-10-12, 20:54
Yes it happened to me a couple of nights ago. I was at home in the evening and my heartbeat suddenly got faster and I felt anxious for no particular reason.

I think with regards to hormones, bluebottle probably means thyroid hormones. I had my thyroid checked a couple of months ago (via a blood test) but the results were fine.

19-10-12, 21:13
Hope everyone's doing ok
Regards the hormones being tested I do suffer from a under active thyroid and take medication daily was dx with this 21 yrs ago.....I think it would be the over active thyroid that causes rapid heartbeat my sister suffers with this and she has to take beats lockers
Does anyone know about the menopause causing this (is this what you mean bluebottle)
I think mine could be the above because I'm 48 but then been also heard you cannot be going through the menopause if periods are regular, so a little confused