View Full Version : Cant Cope With these pains anymore :(

15-10-12, 08:15
Hi all,

This week has been awful. On tuesday I was at work in the middle of teaching when I suddenly got a sharp pain in the top right of my head (around the temple and above). I immediately had to leave to be sick.

I was sent home and tried to sleep, but the pain was too much for me to sleep with. Id taken paracetemol and it didnt work. An hr later, I got up to go to the toilet and couldnt walk on my right side. My leg and foot had sharp pains running through it and i had to get back into bed to stop it.

I rang 111 (our urgent care number when u cant see ur GP) and they sent me an ambulance!!!! When I got to a+e the Dr looked at my eyes and suddenly said 'I need to get a Brain CT scan now'. He said he wanted to check for bleeding behind my eye.I was so scared.

The CT said there was no bleed, but they admitted me anyway because he then said i could have HAD a small bleed and only a lumbar puncture would prove it.... I was so upset as I have a 2yr old daughter and just wanted to feel better and be with her.

Anyway, in the end they didnt do a lumbar puncture (different consultant changed his mind) but I was on the ward for 2nights. My temp was 37.8 a lot of the time, but my bloods, BP and pulse were all normal.

I was sent home and they said it could be migraines.

Now though, I am getting a tight chest, wheezing and crackling, and coughing up clear thick phlegm. My head STILL hurts (a week later) and I feel achey and ill in general. My sinuses hurt a lot, but there's not much congestion.

I went to urgent care drs last night and saw a NURSE... She said she couldnt hear anything in my chest (but I can FEEL it and hear it), and that my temp was still high. She gave me antibi's for sinuses and then it seemed she started judging me based on my anxiety. She almost undermined how I was feeling. I felt like I was making it up!!! She kept asking me questions about depression etc...(background: I had an emergency life saving op a year ago after a surgeon accidentally tore my spleen in a routine small day op. I needed two transfusions and was in ITU)

I cant cope with this.Im convincing myself Im getting pneumonia or some sort of PE or even a whole in my lungs!!! I know it sounds OTT but the spleen thing that happened was 'rare' so I always think that I will get the rarest thing. I keep getting chest stabbing pains in my ribs and upper left abdomen. I hate this, it's too hard to cope with

Sorry to go on...

Charlotte x

15-10-12, 09:45
Hi Charlotte, it sounds like you have had a lot to deal with these past couple of weeks! I would recommend perhaps trying to see your regular doctor (or at least a doctor at your surgery) today and explain it all to him again. That way you may get some reassurance.

Nurses and sometimes doctors do take a look at 'anxiety and depression' as the answer to everything and yes sometimes the anxiety can make things a whole heap worse (a headache becomes a brain tumour), i've been the same since i had my appendix removed last year however until you get the reassurance that you need you won't be able to properly settle.

Take care and hope you feel better soon :hugs: