View Full Version : Long Haul Flight

15-10-12, 10:55
Hi all,
I am new here and am a little embarrassed to post this

I'm a nervous flyer and can never sleep on a plane. I've been to my DR and she has prescribed me 12 x Valium 2mg. I’m flying to New Zealand next week and have 4 flights there and 4 flights back on the return in a months time. My question is, when should i take these and what are the feelings like when i have taken them? I have never taken these before by the way.

Thanks for your help
Adam Jones

15-10-12, 11:06
I Have taken valium for flying before. I don't know what time of day your flight is? If it is during the day I would take one at the airport (or before you get there if you very anxious before the flight. 2mg is a low dose and it will just make you feel very relaxed. I guess you have 6 for the journey there and 6 for the journey back. If 1 isn't working enough for you it won't harm to take 2 and that will help you to sleep better. I usually take a few with me but sometimes don't end up needing them all. Just see how you feel and if you think you need another before the next flight take one. They are really good and do help a lot. Hope you have lovely time in New Zealand Adam :)

15-10-12, 11:10
Valium are fine to take, all they will do is relax you, i would take it just as you board the plane, also take one on a day you have nothing to do and see how you feel and if they agree with you, that way you wont be worried on the plane about any effect. All the best and enjoy NZ but most of all enjoy life.:D

15-10-12, 11:16
hi thanks for replys.

My first flight is at 21:20 and is around 8 hours, then get off plane and get on another for 13 hours, then in melbourne its another 4 hours to auckland. On way back its a 14 hr flight then 8 hours, Ill try get as much sleep as poss then! :) thanks for help